SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT | The amount of materials you get from a sheet of mineral like iron/diamond/glass etc. 100 Units. |
HALF_SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT | The amount of materials you get from half a sheet. Used in standard object quantities. 50 units. |
SMALL_MATERIAL_AMOUNT | The amount of materials used in the smallest of objects, like pens and screwdrivers. 10 units. |
COIN_MATERIAL_AMOUNT | The amount of material that goes into a coin, which determines the value of the coin. |
MAX_STACK_SIZE | The maximum size of a stack object. |
MAXCOIL | Maximum amount of cable in a coil |
MAT_CATEGORY_ORE | Is the material from an ore? currently unused but exists atm for categorizations sake |
MAT_CATEGORY_RIGID | Hard materials, such as iron or silver |
MAT_CATEGORY_ITEM_MATERIAL | Materials that can be used to craft items |
MAT_CATEGORY_BASE_RECIPES | Use this flag on TRUE if you want the basic recipes |
MATERIAL_INIT_MAPLOAD | Flags for map loaded materials Used to make a material initialize at roundstart. |
MATERIAL_INIT_BESPOKE | Used to make a material type able to be instantiated on demand after roundstart. |
MATCONTAINER_EXAMINE | If the container shows the amount of contained materials on examine. |
MATCONTAINER_NO_INSERT | If the container cannot have materials inserted through attackby(). |
MATCONTAINER_ANY_INTENT | If the user can insert mats into the container despite the intent. |
MATCONTAINER_SILENT | If the user won't receive a warning when attacking the container with an unallowed item. |
BREAKDOWN_ALLOYS | Can reduce an alloy into its component materials. |
BREAKDOWN_INCLUDE_ALCHEMY | Makes the material composition include transmuted materials objects |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_LATHE | Breakdown flags used by techfabs and circuit printers. |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_ORM | Breakdown flags used by the ORM. |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_RECYCLER | Breakdown flags used by the recycler. |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_SHEETIFIER | Breakdown flags used by the sheetifier. |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_ORE_PROCESSOR | Breakdown flags used by the ore processor. |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_DRONE_DISPENSER | Breakdown flags used by the drone dispenser. |
BREAKDOWN_FLAGS_EXPORT | Breakdown flags used when exporting materials. |
MATERIAL_EFFECTS | Whether a material's mechanical effects should apply to the atom. This is necessary for other flags to work. |
MATERIAL_COLOR | Applies the material color to the atom's color. Deprecated, use MATERIAL_GREYSCALE instead |
MATERIAL_ADD_PREFIX | Whether a prefix describing the material should be added to the name |
MATERIAL_AFFECT_STATISTICS | Whether a material should affect the stats of the atom |
MATERIAL_GREYSCALE | Applies the material greyscale color to the atom's greyscale color. |
MATERIAL_INSERT_ITEM_NO_MATS | No material was found inside them item |
MATERIAL_INSERT_ITEM_NO_SPACE | The container does not have the space for the item |
MATERIAL_INSERT_ITEM_FAILURE | The item material type was not accepted or other reasons |
MATERIAL_SLOWDOWN_PLASTEEL | The slowdown value of one SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT of plasteel. |
MATERIAL_SLOWDOWN_ALIEN_ALLOY | The slowdown value of one SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT of alien alloy. |
MATERIAL_QUANTITY_COMMON | How much quantity of a material stock exists for common materials like iron & glass. |
MATERIAL_QUANTITY_UNCOMMON | How much quantity of a material stock exists for uncommon materials like silver & titanium. |
MATERIAL_QUANTITY_RARE | How much quantity of a material stock exists for rare materials like gold, uranium, & diamond. |
MATERIAL_QUANTITY_EXOTIC | How much quantity of a material stock exists for exotic materials like diamond & bluespace crystals. |
Define Details
Can reduce an alloy into its component materials.
Breakdown flags used by the drone dispenser.
Breakdown flags used when exporting materials.
Breakdown flags used by techfabs and circuit printers.
Breakdown flags used by the ore processor.
Breakdown flags used by the ORM.
Breakdown flags used by the recycler.
Breakdown flags used by the sheetifier.
Makes the material composition include transmuted materials objects
The amount of material that goes into a coin, which determines the value of the coin.
The amount of materials you get from half a sheet. Used in standard object quantities. 50 units.
If the user can insert mats into the container despite the intent.
If the container shows the amount of contained materials on examine.
If the container cannot have materials inserted through attackby().
If the user won't receive a warning when attacking the container with an unallowed item.
Whether a prefix describing the material should be added to the name
Whether a material should affect the stats of the atom
Applies the material color to the atom's color. Deprecated, use MATERIAL_GREYSCALE instead
Whether a material's mechanical effects should apply to the atom. This is necessary for other flags to work.
Applies the material greyscale color to the atom's greyscale color.
Used to make a material type able to be instantiated on demand after roundstart.
Flags for map loaded materials Used to make a material initialize at roundstart.
The item material type was not accepted or other reasons
No material was found inside them item
The container does not have the space for the item
How much quantity of a material stock exists for common materials like iron & glass.
How much quantity of a material stock exists for exotic materials like diamond & bluespace crystals.
How much quantity of a material stock exists for rare materials like gold, uranium, & diamond.
How much quantity of a material stock exists for uncommon materials like silver & titanium.
The slowdown value of one SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT of alien alloy.
The slowdown value of one SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT of plasteel.
Use this flag on TRUE if you want the basic recipes
Materials that can be used to craft items
Is the material from an ore? currently unused but exists atm for categorizations sake
Hard materials, such as iron or silver
Maximum amount of cable in a coil
The maximum size of a stack object.
The amount of materials you get from a sheet of mineral like iron/diamond/glass etc. 100 Units.
The amount of materials used in the smallest of objects, like pens and screwdrivers. 10 units.