/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


COMSIG_PORT_SET_VALUESent when the value of a port is set.
COMSIG_PORT_SET_TYPESent when the type of a port is set.
COMSIG_PORT_DISCONNECTSent when a port disconnects from everything.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ADD_COMPONENTSent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit.
COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENTCancels adding the component to the circuit.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ADD_COMPONENT_MANUALLYSent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit manually, by putting the item inside directly. Accepts COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENT.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SHELL_REMOVEDSent when a circuit is removed from its shell
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_REMOVEDSent to /obj/item/circuit_component when it is removed from a circuit. (/obj/item/integrated_circuit)
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_CELLCalled when the integrated circuit's cell is set.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_ONCalled when the integrated circuit is turned on or off.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_SHELLCalled when the integrated circuit's shell is set.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_LOCKEDCalled when the integrated circuit is locked.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_PRE_POWER_USAGECalled before power is used in an integrated circuit (power_to_use)
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_PRE_SAVE_TO_JSONCalled right before the integrated circuit data is converted to json. Allows modification to the data right before it is returned.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_POST_LOADCalled when the integrated circuit is loaded.
COMSIG_ATOM_USB_CABLE_TRY_ATTACHSent to an atom when a /obj/item/usb_cable attempts to connect to something. (/obj/item/usb_cable/usb_cable, /mob/user)
COMSIG_USB_CABLE_ATTACHEDAttaches the USB cable to the atom. If the USB cables moves away, it will disconnect.
COMSIG_USB_CABLE_CONNECTED_TO_CIRCUITAttaches the USB cable to a circuit. Producers of this are expected to set the usb_cable's attached_circuit variable.
COMSIG_CANCEL_USB_CABLE_ATTACKCancels the attack chain, but without performing any other action.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_SAVECalled when the circuit component is saved.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_SAVE_DATACalled when circuit component data should be saved
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_LOAD_DATACalled when circuit component data should be loaded
COMSIG_MOVABLE_CIRCUIT_LOADEDCalled when an external object is loaded.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_PERFORM_ACTIONCalled when a ui action is sent for the circuit component
COMSIG_GLOB_CIRCUIT_NTNET_DATA_SENTCalled when an Ntnet sender is sending Ntnet data

Define Details


Cancels adding the component to the circuit.


Sent to an atom when a /obj/item/usb_cable attempts to connect to something. (/obj/item/usb_cable/usb_cable, /mob/user)


Cancels the attack chain, but without performing any other action.


Sent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit.


Sent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit manually, by putting the item inside directly. Accepts COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENT.


Called when circuit component data should be loaded


Called when a ui action is sent for the circuit component


Sent to /obj/item/circuit_component when it is removed from a circuit. (/obj/item/integrated_circuit)


Called when the circuit component is saved.


Called when circuit component data should be saved


Called when the integrated circuit is loaded.


Called before power is used in an integrated circuit (power_to_use)


Called right before the integrated circuit data is converted to json. Allows modification to the data right before it is returned.


Called when the integrated circuit's cell is set.


Called when the integrated circuit is locked.


Called when the integrated circuit is turned on or off.


Called when the integrated circuit's shell is set.


Sent when a circuit is removed from its shell


Called when an Ntnet sender is sending Ntnet data


Called when an external object is loaded.


Sent when a port disconnects from everything.


Sent when the type of a port is set.


Sent when the value of a port is set.


Attaches the USB cable to the atom. If the USB cables moves away, it will disconnect.


Attaches the USB cable to a circuit. Producers of this are expected to set the usb_cable's attached_circuit variable.