/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


UPLINK_TRAITORSThis item is purchasable to traitors
UPLINK_NUKE_OPSThis item is purchasable to nuke ops
UPLINK_CLOWN_OPSThis item is purchasable to clown ops
UPLINK_INFILTRATORSThis item is purchasable to infiltrators (midround traitors)
DISPLAY_PROGRESSIONProgression gets turned into a user-friendly form. This is just an abstract equation that makes progression not too large.
TRAITOR_DISCOUNT_BIGTraitor discount size categories

Define Details


Progression gets turned into a user-friendly form. This is just an abstract equation that makes progression not too large.


Traitor discount size categories

This item is purchasable to clown ops

This item is purchasable to infiltrators (midround traitors)

This item is purchasable to nuke ops

This item is purchasable to traitors