/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


FISHING_MINIGAME_AREAThe height of the minigame slider. Not in pixels, but minigame units.
FISH_TARGET_MIN_DISTANCEAny lower than this, and the target position of the fish is considered null
FISH_FRICTION_MULTThe friction applied to fish jumps, so that it decelerates over time
FISH_SHORT_JUMP_MIN_DISTANCEUsed to decide whether the fish can jump in a certain direction
FISH_SHORT_JUMP_MAX_DISTANCEThe maximum distance for a short jump
BAIT_MIN_VELOCITY_BOUNCEThe minimum velocity required for the bait to bounce
BAIT_DECELERATION_MULTThe extra deceleration of velocity that happens when the bait switches direction
REELING_STATE_IDLEDefines to know how the bait is moving on the minigame slider.
MINIGAME_SLIDER_HEIGHTThe pixel height of the minigame bar
MINIGAME_BAIT_HEIGHTThe standard pixel height of the bait
MINIGAME_FISH_HEIGHTThe standard pixel height of the fish (minus a pixel on each direction for the sake of a better looking sprite)
FISH_DAMAGE_PER_SECONDThe damage dealt per second to the fish when FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_KILL is active.
/atom/movable/screen/fishing_hudThe screen object which bait, fish, and completion bar are visually attached to.
/obj/effect/fishing_lureThe visual that appears over the fishing spot

Define Details


The extra deceleration of velocity that happens when the bait switches direction


The minimum velocity required for the bait to bounce


The height of the minigame slider. Not in pixels, but minigame units.


The damage dealt per second to the fish when FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_KILL is active.


The friction applied to fish jumps, so that it decelerates over time


The maximum distance for a short jump


Used to decide whether the fish can jump in a certain direction


Any lower than this, and the target position of the fish is considered null


The standard pixel height of the bait


The standard pixel height of the fish (minus a pixel on each direction for the sake of a better looking sprite)


The pixel height of the minigame bar


Defines to know how the bait is moving on the minigame slider.