/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


EMAGGED_METEOR_SHIELD_THRESHOLD_ONEnumber of emagged meteor shields to get the first warning, a simple say message
EMAGGED_METEOR_SHIELD_THRESHOLD_TWOnumber of emagged meteor shields to get the second warning, telling the user an announcement is coming
EMAGGED_METEOR_SHIELD_THRESHOLD_THREEnumber of emagged meteor shields to get the third warning + an announcement to the crew
EMAGGED_METEOR_SHIELD_THRESHOLD_FOURnumber of emagged meteor shields to get the fourth... ah shit the dark matt-eor is coming.
METEOR_SHIELD_EMAG_COOLDOWNhow long between emagging meteor shields you have to wait

Define Details


number of emagged meteor shields to get the fourth... ah shit the dark matt-eor is coming.


number of emagged meteor shields to get the first warning, a simple say message


number of emagged meteor shields to get the third warning + an announcement to the crew


number of emagged meteor shields to get the second warning, telling the user an announcement is coming


how long between emagging meteor shields you have to wait