/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Handles simple payment operations where the cost of the object in question doesn't change.

What this is useful for: Basic forms of vending. Objects that can drain the owner's money linearly. What this is not useful for: Things where the seller may want to fluxuate the price of the object. Improving standardizing every form of payment handing, as some custom handling is specific to that object.


allowed_moneyA static typecache of all the money-based items that can be actively used as currency.
costNO OVERRIDING TO CHEESE BOUNTIES Standardized of operation.
department_discountDoes this payment component respect same-department-discount?
target_accWho's getting paid?
transaction_styleFlavor style for handling cash (Friendly? Hostile? etc.)


change_costProc that changes the base cost of the interaction.
clean_upAttempts to remove the payment component, currently when the crew wins a revolution.
handle_cardAttempts to charge a mob, user, an integer number of credits, total_cost, directly from an ID card/bank account.
handle_cardlessAttempts to charge the mob, user, an integer number of credits, total_cost, without the use of an ID card to directly draw upon.

Var Details


A static typecache of all the money-based items that can be actively used as currency.


NO OVERRIDING TO CHEESE BOUNTIES Standardized of operation.


Does this payment component respect same-department-discount?


Who's getting paid?


Flavor style for handling cash (Friendly? Hostile? etc.)

Proc Details


Proc that changes the base cost of the interaction.


Attempts to remove the payment component, currently when the crew wins a revolution.


Attempts to charge a mob, user, an integer number of credits, total_cost, directly from an ID card/bank account.


Attempts to charge the mob, user, an integer number of credits, total_cost, without the use of an ID card to directly draw upon.