/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


When attached to something, will make that thing shatter into shards on throw impact or z level falling


number_of_shardsHow many shards total are made when the thing we're attached to shatters
shard_typeWhat type of item is spawned as a 'shard' once the shattering happens
shattering_soundWhat sound plays when the thing we're attached to shatters


on_throw_impactTells the parent to shatter if we are thrown and impact something
on_z_impactTells the parent to shatter if we impact a lower zlevel
shatterHandles the actual shattering part, throwing shards of whatever is defined on the component everywhere

Var Details


How many shards total are made when the thing we're attached to shatters


What type of item is spawned as a 'shard' once the shattering happens


What sound plays when the thing we're attached to shatters

Proc Details


Tells the parent to shatter if we are thrown and impact something


Tells the parent to shatter if we impact a lower zlevel


Handles the actual shattering part, throwing shards of whatever is defined on the component everywhere