Virtual Domains
Create your own: Read the readme file in the '_maps/virtual_domains' folder.
Vars | |
cost | Cost of this map to load |
desc | The description of the map for the console UI |
difficulty | Affects the ui and ability to scan info. |
extra_loot | An assoc list of typepath/amount to spawn on completion. Not weighted - the value is the amount |
filename | The map file to load |
forbids_disk_items | If this domain blocks the use of items from disks, for whatever reason |
forbids_disk_spells | If this domain blocks the use of spells from disks, for whatever reason |
forced_outfit | Any outfit that you wish to force on avatars. Overrides preferences |
help_text | Information given to connected clients via ability |
is_modular | Whether to display this as a modular map |
mob_modules | Byond will look for modular mob segment landmarks then choose from here at random. You can make them unique also. |
modular_unique_mobs | Forces all mob modules to only load once |
reward_points | Points to reward for completion. Used to purchase new domains and calculate ore rewards. |
start_time | The start time of the map. Used to calculate time taken |
test_only | This map is specifically for unit tests. Shouldn't display in game |
Procs | |
add_points | Sends a point to any loot signals on the map |
setup_domain | Overridable proc to be called after the map is loaded. |
Var Details
Cost of this map to load
The description of the map for the console UI
Affects the ui and ability to scan info.
An assoc list of typepath/amount to spawn on completion. Not weighted - the value is the amount
The map file to load
If this domain blocks the use of items from disks, for whatever reason
If this domain blocks the use of spells from disks, for whatever reason
Any outfit that you wish to force on avatars. Overrides preferences
Information given to connected clients via ability
Whether to display this as a modular map
Byond will look for modular mob segment landmarks then choose from here at random. You can make them unique also.
Forces all mob modules to only load once
Points to reward for completion. Used to purchase new domains and calculate ore rewards.
The start time of the map. Used to calculate time taken
This map is specifically for unit tests. Shouldn't display in game
Proc Details
Sends a point to any loot signals on the map
Overridable proc to be called after the map is loaded.