Vars | |
base_message_chance | Base chance of sending warning messages, so it can be modified |
desc | Basic symptom description |
id | The hash tag for our diseases, we will add it up with our other symptoms to get a unique id! ID MUST BE UNIQUE!!! |
illness | Potential illness name caused by the symptom |
level | The type level of the symptom. Higher is harder to generate. |
naturally_occuring | If this symptom can appear from /datum/disease/advance/GenerateSymptoms() |
neutered | A neutered symptom has no effect, and only affects statistics. |
next_activation | Ticks between each activation |
power | Can be used to multiply virus effects |
required_organ | If the symptom requires an organ for the effects to function, robotic organs are immune to disease unless inorganic biology symptom is present |
resistance | How the symptom affects the disease's resistance stat, positive values make it harder to cure |
severity | The severity level of the symptom. Higher is more dangerous. |
stage_speed | How the symptom affects the disease's stage speed stat, positive values cause faster stage progression |
stealth | How the symptom affects the disease's stealth stat, positive values make it less noticeable |
suppress_warning | If the early warnings are suppressed or not |
threshold_descs | Descriptions of threshold effects |
transmittable | How the symptom affects the disease's transmissibility |
Procs | |
End | Called when the advance disease is going to be deleted or when the advance disease stops processing. |
OnAdd | Overload when a symptom needs to be active before processing, like changing biotypes. |
OnRemove | Overload for running after processing. |
Start | Called when processing of the advance disease that holds this symptom infects a host and upon each Refresh() of that advance disease. |
can_generate_randomly | Check if we can generate randomly |
get_symptom_data | Returns a list for all of the traits of this symptom. |
Var Details
Base chance of sending warning messages, so it can be modified
Basic symptom description
The hash tag for our diseases, we will add it up with our other symptoms to get a unique id! ID MUST BE UNIQUE!!!
Potential illness name caused by the symptom
The type level of the symptom. Higher is harder to generate.
If this symptom can appear from /datum/disease/advance/GenerateSymptoms()
A neutered symptom has no effect, and only affects statistics.
Ticks between each activation
Can be used to multiply virus effects
If the symptom requires an organ for the effects to function, robotic organs are immune to disease unless inorganic biology symptom is present
How the symptom affects the disease's resistance stat, positive values make it harder to cure
The severity level of the symptom. Higher is more dangerous.
How the symptom affects the disease's stage speed stat, positive values cause faster stage progression
How the symptom affects the disease's stealth stat, positive values make it less noticeable
If the early warnings are suppressed or not
Descriptions of threshold effects
How the symptom affects the disease's transmissibility
Proc Details
Called when the advance disease is going to be deleted or when the advance disease stops processing.
Overload when a symptom needs to be active before processing, like changing biotypes.
Overload for running after processing.
Called when processing of the advance disease that holds this symptom infects a host and upon each Refresh() of that advance disease.
Check if we can generate randomly
Returns a list for all of the traits of this symptom.
@returns {list} symptom - The desired symptoms as a list.