Tests the standard, plasmaman, and lavaland lungs organ to ensure breathing and suffocation behave as expected. Performs a check on each main (can be life-sustaining) gas, and ensures gas alerts are only thrown when expected.
Procs | |
create_gas_mix | Set up a 2500-Litre gas mixture with the given gases and percentages. |
create_lavaland_mix | Set up an Lavaland gas mix which is "ideal" for Ashwalker life. |
create_nitrogen_mix | Set up a pure Nitrogen gas mix. |
create_plasma_mix | Set up an O2/N2 gas mix which is "ideal" for plasmamen. |
create_standard_mix | Set up an O2/N2 gas mix which is "ideal" for organic life. |
lungs_test_alert_max | Tests maximum gas alerts by comparing gas pressure. |
lungs_test_alert_min | Tests minimum gas alerts by comparing gas pressure. |
lungs_test_check_breath | Comprehensive unit test for [/obj/item/organ/internal/lungs/proc/check_breath()] If "expect_failure" is set to TRUE, the test ensures the given Human suffocated. A "test_name" string is required to contextualize test logs. Describe the gas you're testing. |
Proc Details
Set up a 2500-Litre gas mixture with the given gases and percentages.
Set up an Lavaland gas mix which is "ideal" for Ashwalker life.
Set up a pure Nitrogen gas mix.
Set up an O2/N2 gas mix which is "ideal" for plasmamen.
Set up an O2/N2 gas mix which is "ideal" for organic life.
Tests maximum gas alerts by comparing gas pressure.
Tests minimum gas alerts by comparing gas pressure.
Comprehensive unit test for [/obj/item/organ/internal/lungs/proc/check_breath()] If "expect_failure" is set to TRUE, the test ensures the given Human suffocated. A "test_name" string is required to contextualize test logs. Describe the gas you're testing.