/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Uplink Handler

The uplink handler, used to handle a traitor's TC and experience points and the uplink UI.


active_objectivesCurrent objectives taken
assigned_roleThe role that this uplink handler is associated to.
assigned_speciesThe species this uplink handler is associated to.
can_replace_objectivesCallback which returns true if you can choose to replace your objectives with different ones
can_take_objectivesWhether this uplink handler can TAKE objectives.
completed_objectivesObjectives that have been completed.
contractor_hubReference to a contractor hub that the infiltrator can run, if they purchase it.
debug_modeWhether this is in debug mode or not. If in debug mode, allows all purchases. Bypasses the shop lock.
extra_purchasableExtra stuff that can be purchased by an uplink, regardless of flag.
final_objectiveText of the final objective, once assigned. Used for uplink data and traitor greentext. Empty string means not yet reached.
has_objectivesWhether this uplink handler has objectives.
has_progressionThis uplink has progression
item_stockAssociative array of stock keys = stock left. For items that don't share stock, the key is their typepath
maximum_active_objectivesThe maximum number of objectives that can be taken
maximum_potential_objectivesThe maximum number of potential objectives that can exist.
ownerThe owner of this uplink handler.
potential_duplicate_objectivesAll objectives assigned by type to handle any duplicates
potential_objectivesPotential objectives that can be taken
primary_objectivesObjectives that must be completed for traitor greentext. Set by the traitor datum.
progression_pointsThe amount of experience points this traitor has
purchase_logThe purchase log of this uplink handler
replace_objectivesCallback which performs that operation
shop_lockedWhether the shop is locked or not. If set to true, nothing can be purchased.
telecrystalsThe amount of telecrystals contained in this traitor has
uplink_flagThe current uplink flag of this uplink


check_if_restrictedChecks for uplink flags as well as items restricted to roles and species
complete_objectiveUsed to complete objectives, failed or successful.
generate_objectivesGenerates objectives for this uplink handler
not_enough_reputationChecks if traitor has enough reputation to purchase an item
on_updateCalled whenever an update occurs on this uplink handler. Used for UIs
update_objectivesUpdates the objectives on the uplink and deletes

Var Details


Current objectives taken


The role that this uplink handler is associated to.


The species this uplink handler is associated to.


Callback which returns true if you can choose to replace your objectives with different ones


Whether this uplink handler can TAKE objectives.


Objectives that have been completed.


Reference to a contractor hub that the infiltrator can run, if they purchase it.


Whether this is in debug mode or not. If in debug mode, allows all purchases. Bypasses the shop lock.


Extra stuff that can be purchased by an uplink, regardless of flag.


Text of the final objective, once assigned. Used for uplink data and traitor greentext. Empty string means not yet reached.


Whether this uplink handler has objectives.


This uplink has progression


Associative array of stock keys = stock left. For items that don't share stock, the key is their typepath


The maximum number of objectives that can be taken


The maximum number of potential objectives that can exist.


The owner of this uplink handler.


All objectives assigned by type to handle any duplicates


Potential objectives that can be taken


Objectives that must be completed for traitor greentext. Set by the traitor datum.


The amount of experience points this traitor has


The purchase log of this uplink handler


Callback which performs that operation


Whether the shop is locked or not. If set to true, nothing can be purchased.


The amount of telecrystals contained in this traitor has

The current uplink flag of this uplink

Proc Details


Checks for uplink flags as well as items restricted to roles and species


Used to complete objectives, failed or successful.


Generates objectives for this uplink handler


Checks if traitor has enough reputation to purchase an item


Called whenever an update occurs on this uplink handler. Used for UIs


Updates the objectives on the uplink and deletes