/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Uplink Items

Items that can be spawned from an uplink. Can be limited by gamemode.


cant_discountWhether this can be discounted or not
categoryCategory of the uplink
costCost of the item.
cost_override_stringString to be shown instead of the price, e.g for the Random item.
descDescription of the uplink
discountedIf discounted, is true. Used to send a signal to update reimbursement.
illegal_techCan this item be deconstructed to unlock certain techweb research nodes?
itemPath to the item to spawn.
limited_stockHow many items of this stock can be purchased.
lock_other_purchasesWhether this item locks all other items from being purchased. Used by syndicate balloon and a few other purchases. Can't be purchased if you've already bought other things Uses the purchase log, so items purchased that are not visible in the purchase log will not count towards this. However, they won't be purchasable afterwards.
nameName of the uplink item
progression_minimumThe minimum amount of progression needed for this item to be added to uplinks.
purchasable_fromA bitfield to represent what uplinks can purchase this item. See [code/__DEFINES/uplink.dm].
purchase_log_visWhether this purchase is visible in the purchase log.
refund_amountAmount of TC to refund, in case there's a TC penalty for refunds.
refundableWhether this item is refundable or not.
restrictedWhether this purchase is restricted or not (VR/Events related)
restricted_rolesIf this uplink item is only available to certain roles. Roles are dependent on the frequency chip or stored ID.
restricted_speciesThe species able to purchase this uplink item.
stock_keyIf this value is changed on two items they will share stock, defaults to not sharing stock with any other item


can_be_boughtFor special overrides if an item can be bought or not.
get_discountReturns by how much percentage do we reduce the price of the selected item
get_discount_valueReceives a traitor discount type value, returns the amount by which we will reduce the price
purchaseSpawns an item and logs its purchase
spawn_itemSpawns an item in the world

Var Details


Whether this can be discounted or not


Category of the uplink


Cost of the item.


String to be shown instead of the price, e.g for the Random item.


Description of the uplink


If discounted, is true. Used to send a signal to update reimbursement.


Can this item be deconstructed to unlock certain techweb research nodes?


Path to the item to spawn.


How many items of this stock can be purchased.


Whether this item locks all other items from being purchased. Used by syndicate balloon and a few other purchases. Can't be purchased if you've already bought other things Uses the purchase log, so items purchased that are not visible in the purchase log will not count towards this. However, they won't be purchasable afterwards.


Name of the uplink item


The minimum amount of progression needed for this item to be added to uplinks.


A bitfield to represent what uplinks can purchase this item. See [code/__DEFINES/uplink.dm].


Whether this purchase is visible in the purchase log.


Amount of TC to refund, in case there's a TC penalty for refunds.


Whether this item is refundable or not.


Whether this purchase is restricted or not (VR/Events related)


If this uplink item is only available to certain roles. Roles are dependent on the frequency chip or stored ID.


The species able to purchase this uplink item.


If this value is changed on two items they will share stock, defaults to not sharing stock with any other item

Proc Details


For special overrides if an item can be bought or not.


Returns by how much percentage do we reduce the price of the selected item


Receives a traitor discount type value, returns the amount by which we will reduce the price


Spawns an item and logs its purchase


Spawns an item in the world