Vars | |
Friends | A list of friends; they are not considered targets for feeding; passed down after splitting |
Leader | AI variable - tells the slime to follow this person |
Target | AI variable - tells the slime to hunt this down |
amount_grown | Controls how long the slime has been overfed, if 10, grows or reproduces |
applied_crossbreed_amount | How many extracts of the modtype have been applied. |
attacked_stacks | Determines if it's been attacked recently. Can be any number, is a cooloff-ish variable |
cores | The number of /obj/item/slime_extract's the slime has left inside |
crossbreed_modification | What cross core modification is being used. |
current_mood | The current mood of the slime, set randomly or through emotes (if sentient). |
discipline_stacks | If a slime has been hit with a freeze gun, or wrestled/attacked off a human, they become disciplined and don't attack anymore for a while |
docile | Is the slime docile? |
force_stasis | Is the slime forced into being immobile, despite the gases present? |
holding_still | AI variable, cooloff-ish for how long it's going to stay in one place |
is_adult | Is the slime an adult slime? |
is_attack_on_cooldown | Attack cooldown |
mutation_chance | Chance of mutating, should be between 25 and 35 |
mutator_used | Has a mutator been used on the slime? Only one is allowed |
powerlevel | 1-10 controls how much electricity they are generating |
rabid | If set to 1, the slime will attack and eat anything it comes in contact with |
slime_ai_processing | Determines if the AI loop is activated |
slime_id | Used to understand when someone is talking to it |
speech_buffer | Last phrase said near it and person who said it |
stunned_until | Stored the world time when the slime's stun wears off |
target_patience | AI variable, cooloff-ish for how long it's going to follow its target |
Procs | |
add_friendship | Alters the friendship value of the target |
add_nutrition | Adds nutrition to the slime's nutrition level. Has a chance to increase its electric levels. |
can_feed_on | Can the slime leech life energy from the target? |
clear_friends | Removes everyone from the friend list |
clear_memories_of | The passed source will be no longer be the slime's target, leader, or one of its friends |
discipline_slime | Makes a slime not attack people for a while |
get_grow_nutrition | Above it we grow, below it we can eat |
get_hunger_nutrition | Below it we will always eat |
get_max_nutrition | Can't go above it |
get_starve_nutrition | Below it we will eat before everything else |
handle_feeding | The divisor controls how fast body temperature changes, lower causes faster changes Handles the slime draining the target it is attached to |
handle_mood | Handles slime mood |
handle_nutrition | Handles the slime's nutirion level |
handle_speech | Handles the slime understanding commends spoken to it |
handle_targets | Handles selecting targets |
process_slime_ai | the master AI process |
random_colour | Checks if the slime has a generic name, in the format of baby/adult slime (123) randomizes the colour of a slime |
remove_friend | Removes someone from the friendlist |
set_friends | Adds someone to the friend list |
set_friendship | Sets the friendship value of the target |
set_leader | Sets the person the slime is following around |
set_target | Sets the slime's current attack target |
slime_move | Makes a slime move away, used for a timed callback |
spawn_corecross | Spawns a crossed slimecore item |
start_feeding | The slime will start feeding on the target |
stop_feeding | The slime will stop feeding |
will_hunt | Check for being stopped from feeding and chasing |
Var Details
A list of friends; they are not considered targets for feeding; passed down after splitting
AI variable - tells the slime to follow this person
AI variable - tells the slime to hunt this down
Controls how long the slime has been overfed, if 10, grows or reproduces
How many extracts of the modtype have been applied.
Determines if it's been attacked recently. Can be any number, is a cooloff-ish variable
The number of /obj/item/slime_extract's the slime has left inside
What cross core modification is being used.
The current mood of the slime, set randomly or through emotes (if sentient).
If a slime has been hit with a freeze gun, or wrestled/attacked off a human, they become disciplined and don't attack anymore for a while
Is the slime docile?
Is the slime forced into being immobile, despite the gases present?
AI variable, cooloff-ish for how long it's going to stay in one place
Is the slime an adult slime?
Attack cooldown
Chance of mutating, should be between 25 and 35
Has a mutator been used on the slime? Only one is allowed
1-10 controls how much electricity they are generating
If set to 1, the slime will attack and eat anything it comes in contact with
Determines if the AI loop is activated
Used to understand when someone is talking to it
Last phrase said near it and person who said it
Stored the world time when the slime's stun wears off
AI variable, cooloff-ish for how long it's going to follow its target
Proc Details
Alters the friendship value of the target
Adds nutrition to the slime's nutrition level. Has a chance to increase its electric levels.
Can the slime leech life energy from the target?
Removes everyone from the friend list
The passed source will be no longer be the slime's target, leader, or one of its friends
Makes a slime not attack people for a while
Above it we grow, below it we can eat
Below it we will always eat
Can't go above it
Below it we will eat before everything else
The divisor controls how fast body temperature changes, lower causes faster changes Handles the slime draining the target it is attached to
Handles slime mood
Handles the slime's nutirion level
Handles the slime understanding commends spoken to it
Handles selecting targets
the master AI process
Checks if the slime has a generic name, in the format of baby/adult slime (123) randomizes the colour of a slime
Removes someone from the friendlist
Adds someone to the friend list
Sets the friendship value of the target
Sets the person the slime is following around
Sets the slime's current attack target
Makes a slime move away, used for a timed callback
Spawns a crossed slimecore item
The slime will start feeding on the target
The slime will stop feeding
Check for being stopped from feeding and chasing