Vars | |
airlock_electronics | integrated airlock electronics for setting access to a newly built airlocks |
canRturf | variable for R walls to deconstruct them |
construction_mode | temporary holder of mode, used to restore mode original value after rcd deconstruction act |
current_active_effects | number of active rcd effects in use e.g. when building multiple walls at once this value increases |
delay_mod | delay multiplier for all construction types |
design_category | category of currently selected design |
design_title | name of currently selected design |
mode | type of structure being built, used to decide what variables are used to build what structure |
owner | owner of this rcd. It can either be an construction console or an player |
ranged | used by arcd, can this rcd work from a range |
rcd_design_path | The path of the structure the rcd is currently creating |
root_category | main category of currently selected design[Structures, Airlocks, Airlock Access] |
Procs | |
_rcd_create_effect | Internal proc which creates the rcd effects & creates the structure |
attack_self | The advantage of organizing designs into categories is that You can ignore an complete category if the design disk upgrade for that category isn't installed. |
can_place | checks if we can build the structure Arguments |
rcd_create | For anything that does not go an a wall we have to make sure that turf is clear for us to put the structure on it If we are just trying to destory something then this check is not nessassary RCD_WALLFRAME is also returned as the rcd_mode when upgrading apc, airalarm, firealarm using simple circuits upgrade |
Var Details
integrated airlock electronics for setting access to a newly built airlocks
variable for R walls to deconstruct them
temporary holder of mode, used to restore mode original value after rcd deconstruction act
number of active rcd effects in use e.g. when building multiple walls at once this value increases
delay multiplier for all construction types
category of currently selected design
name of currently selected design
type of structure being built, used to decide what variables are used to build what structure
owner of this rcd. It can either be an construction console or an player
used by arcd, can this rcd work from a range
The path of the structure the rcd is currently creating
main category of currently selected design[Structures, Airlocks, Airlock Access]
Proc Details
Internal proc which creates the rcd effects & creates the structure
- [atom][target]- the target we are trying to build on/deconstruct e.g. turf, wall etc
- [mob][user]- the user trying to build the structure
- delay- the delay with the disk upgrades applied
- rcd_results- list of params which contains the cost & build mode to create the structure
The advantage of organizing designs into categories is that You can ignore an complete category if the design disk upgrade for that category isn't installed.
checks if we can build the structure Arguments
- [atom][target]- the target we are trying to build on/deconstruct e.g. turf, wall etc
- rcd_results- list of params specifically the build type of our structure
- [mob][user]- the user
For anything that does not go an a wall we have to make sure that turf is clear for us to put the structure on it If we are just trying to destory something then this check is not nessassary RCD_WALLFRAME is also returned as the rcd_mode when upgrading apc, airalarm, firealarm using simple circuits upgrade
if we are trying to create plating on turf which is not a proper floor then dont check for objects on top of the turf just allow that turf to be converted into plating. e.g. create plating beneath a player or underneath a machine frame/any dense object if we are trying to finish a wall girder then let it finish then make sure no one/nothing is stuck in the girder
actual proc to create the structure
- [atom][target]- the target we are trying to build on/deconstruct e.g. turf, wall etc
- [mob][user]- the user building this structure