tgstation-server 6.14.0
The /tg/station 13 server suite
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Namespaces | Enumerations
DreamDaemonRights.cs File Reference

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namespace  Tgstation
namespace  Tgstation.Server
namespace  Tgstation.Server.Api
namespace  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights


enum  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.DreamDaemonRights : ulong {
  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.None = 0 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.ReadRevision = 1 << 0 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetPort = 1 << 1 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetAutoStart = 1 << 2 ,
  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetSecurity = 1 << 3 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.ReadMetadata = 1 << 4 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetWebClient = 1 << 5 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SoftRestart = 1 << 6 ,
  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SoftShutdown = 1 << 7 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.Restart = 1 << 8 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.Shutdown = 1 << 9 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.Start = 1 << 10 ,
  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetStartupTimeout = 1 << 11 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetHealthCheckInterval = 1 << 12 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.CreateDump = 1 << 13 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetTopicTimeout = 1 << 14 ,
  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetAdditionalParameters = 1 << 15 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetVisibility = 1 << 16 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetProfiler = 1 << 17 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetLogOutput = 1 << 18 ,
  Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetMapThreads = 1 << 19 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.BroadcastMessage = 1 << 20 , Tgstation.Server.Api.Rights.SetMinidumps = 1 << 21
 Rights for managing DreamDaemon. More...