Unstable configuration options used internally by TGS.
string? MariaDBDefaultRootPassword
Generate default configuration using the given DatabaseType.MariaDB default password.
bool UsingDocker
If the server is running inside of a Docker container.
bool EnableGraphQL
Enables hosting the experimental GraphQL API in Release builds.
string? CommandPipe
The name of the pipe opened by the host watchdog for sending commands, if any.
bool MariaDBSetup
Coerce the Setup.SetupWizard to select DatabaseType.MariaDB.
const string Section
The key for the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfigurationSection the InternalConfiguration re...
string? ReadyPipe
The name of the pipe opened by the host watchdog for receiving commands, if any.
bool UsingSystemD
If the server is running under SystemD.
string? DumpGraphQLApiPath
Used at compile time to write the GraphQL API schema to this path and exit.
string AppSettingsBasePath
The base path for the app settings configuration files.