3using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
23 => $
32 ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(job);
35 throw new InvalidOperationException(
"job.Instance was null!");
A SignalR Hub for pushing job updates.
static string HubGroupName(Job job)
Get the group name for a given job .
static string HubGroupName(long instanceId)
Get the group name for a given instanceId .
JobsHub(IHubConnectionMapper< JobsHub, IJobsHub > connectionMapper, IAuthenticationContext authenticationContext)
Initializes a new instance of the JobsHub class.
Instance? Instance
The Models.Instance the job belongs to if any.
Base class for Hub<T>s that want to map their connection IDs to Models.PermissionSets.
readonly IAuthenticationContext authenticationContext
The IAuthenticationContext for the ConnectionMappingHub<TChildHub, THubMethods>.
readonly IHubConnectionMapper< TChildHub, THubMethods > connectionMapper
The IHubConnectionMapper<THub, THubMethods> used to map connections.
For creating and accessing authentication contexts.
Handles mapping connection IDs to Users for a given THub .