43 [Obsolete(
Represents a chat command to be handled by DD.
Data structure for TopicCommandType.EventNotification requests.
The type of topic command being sent.
@ CompleteEvent
Notifying about the completion of a custom event.
@ ServerPortUpdate
The server's port was possibly changed.
@ ReceiveChunk
Receive additional data for a previous response.
@ ChangePort
DreamDaemon port change request.
@ InstanceRenamed
The owning instance was renamed.
@ HealthCheck
Ping to ensure the server is running.
@ SendChunk
Part of a larger topic.
@ ChangeRebootState
Reboot state change request.
@ Broadcast
Sending a broadcast message.
@ ServerRestarted
Notify the server of a reattach and potentially new version.
@ ChatChannelsUpdate
Chat channels were changed.