Types of Response.ErrorMessageResponses that the API may return.
Entries marked Obsolete are no longer in use but kept for placeholders until they can be recycled in the next major API version.
Enumerator |
InternalServerError | An implementation error occurred while processing the request.
ApiMismatch | Indicates an API upgrade was required by the server.
ModelValidationFailure | The request body was malformed.
IOError | An IO error occurred while working with the configuration system.
BadHeaders | The ApiHeaders failed to validate.
TokenWithToken | Attempted to request a Response.TokenResponse with an existing Response.TokenResponse.
DatabaseIntegrityConflict | Generic database integrity failure.
MissingHostWatchdog | Attempted to perform a restart operation without the host watchdog component.
CannotChangeServerSuite | Attempted to change to a major version less than 4.
RemoteApiError | A required remote API request failed.
ServerUpdateInProgress | A server update was requested while another was in progress.
UserNameChange | Attempted to change something other than the capitalization of a UserName.Name for a user.
UserSidChange | Attempted to change a Internal.UserModelBase.SystemIdentifier.
UserMismatchNameSid | Attempted to create a user with a UserName.Name and Internal.UserModelBase.SystemIdentifier.
UserMismatchPasswordSid | Attempted to create a user with a Request.UserUpdateRequest.Password and Internal.UserModelBase.SystemIdentifier.
UserPasswordLength | The given Request.UserUpdateRequest.Password length was less than the server's configured minimum.
UserColonInName | Attempted to create a user with a ':' character in the UserName.Name.
UserMissingName | Attempted to create a user with a null or whitespace UserName.Name.
InstanceRelocateOnline | Attempted to change a Instance.Path while it was Instance.Online.
InstanceAtExistingPath | Attempted to change a Instance.Path to a non-empty location.
InstanceDetachOnline | Attempted to detach an Instance while it was Instance.Online.
InstanceAtConflictingPath | Attempted to change a Instance.Path to a location that conflicts with the server install or another instance.
InstanceLimitReached | Attempted to create an Instance but the configured instance limit has been reached.
InstanceWhitespaceNameOrPath | Attempted to create an Instance with a whitespace NamedEntity.Name or Instance.Path.
InstanceHeaderRequired | The ApiHeaders.InstanceIdHeader header was required but not set.
RequiresPosixSystemIdentity | The operation requires the unimplemented POSIX system identities feature.
ConfigurationFileUpdated | A IConfigurationFile was updated.
ConfigurationDirectoryNotEmpty | Attempted to delete an non-empty directory.
SwarmIntegrityCheckFailed | The server swarm has less than the expected amount of nodes.
RepoMismatchUserAndAccessToken | One of RepositorySettings.AccessUser and RepositorySettings.AccessToken is set while the other isn't.
RepoCloning | The repository is busy being cloned.
RepoBusy | The repository is busy with another operation.
RepoExists | Attempted to clone the repository when it already exists.
RepoMissing | Attempted to load a non-existant repo.
RepoMismatchShaAndReference | Attempted to Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.CheckoutSha and set Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference at the same time.
RepoMismatchShaAndUpdate | Attempted to Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.CheckoutSha and Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.UpdateFromOrigin at the same time.
EngineCannotDeleteActiveVersion | Could not delete a engine version due to it being set as the active version for the instance.
RepoDuplicateTestMerge | Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.NewTestMerges contained duplicate TestMergeParameters.Numbers.
RepoWhitespaceCommitterName | Attempted to set a whitespace RepositorySettings.CommitterName.
RepoWhitespaceCommitterEmail | Attempted to set a whitespace RepositorySettings.CommitterEmail.
ApiPageTooLarge | A paginated request asked for too large a page.
ApiInvalidPageOrPageSize | A paginated request asked for page 0.
ChatBotWrongChannelType | A requested ChatChannel's data does not match with its Internal.ChatBotSettings.Provider.
ChatBotWhitespaceConnectionString | Internal.ChatBotSettings.ConnectionString was whitespace.
ChatBotWhitespaceName | Chat bot NamedEntity.Name was whitespace.
ChatBotProviderMissing | Internal.ChatBotSettings.Provider was null during creation.
ConfigurationContendedAccess | Currently unused.
ChatBotMax | Attempted to add a chat bot when at or above the Instance.ChatBotLimit or it was set to something lower than the existing amount of chat bots.
ChatBotMaxChannels | Attempted to configure a chat bot with more ChatChannels than the configured Internal.ChatBotSettings.ChannelLimit.
ByondDirectXInstallFail | Failed to install DirectX with BYOND.
EngineDownloadFail | Failed to download a given engine version.
EngineNoVersionsInstalled | Failed to lock engine executables.
DeploymentNeverValidated | The DMAPI never validated itself.
DeploymentInvalidValidation | The DMAPI sent an invalid validation request.
CannotRemoveLastAuthenticationOption | Tried to remove the last OAuthConnection for a passwordless user.
DeploymentNoDme | No .dme could be found for deployment.
DeploymentMissingDme | The configured .dme could not be found.
DeploymentExitCode | Compiler failed to compile.
DeploymentInProgress | Deployment already in progress.
InstanceMissingDreamDaemonSettings | Missing Internal.DreamDaemonSettings in database.
InstanceMissingDreamMakerSettings | Missing Internal.DreamMakerSettings in database.
InstanceMissingRepositorySettings | Missing RepositorySettings in database.
InstanceUpdateTestMergeConflict | Performing an automatic update with the RepositorySettings.AutoUpdatesKeepTestMerges flag resulted in merge conflicts.
RepoCredentialsRequired | RepositorySettings.AccessUser and RepositorySettings.AccessToken are required for this operation.
RepoCannotAuthenticate | The remote returned an invalid authentication request.
RepoReferenceRequired | Cannot perform operation while not on a Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference.
WatchdogRunning | Attempted to start the watchdog when it was already running.
WatchdogCompileJobCorrupted | Attempted to start the watchdog with a corrupted Internal.CompileJob.
WatchdogStartupFailed | Game server exited before it finished starting.
WatchdogStartupTimeout | Game server timed-out before it finished starting.
RepoUnsupportedTestMergeRemote | Attempted to test merge with an unsupported remote.
RepoSwappedShaOrReference | Either Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.CheckoutSha or Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference was in one when it should have been the other.
RepoMergeConflict | A merge conflict occurred during a git operation.
RepoReferenceNotTracking | The current Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference does not track a remote reference.
RepoTestMergeConflict | Encounted merge conflicts while test merging.
InstanceNotAtWhitelistedPath | Attempted to create an instance outside of the Internal.ServerInformationBase.ValidInstancePaths.
GameServerDoubleSoft | Attempted to make a game server update with both Internal.DreamDaemonApiBase.SoftRestart and Internal.DreamDaemonApiBase.SoftShutdown set.
DreamDaemonPagerRunning | Attempted to launch DreamDaemon on a user account that had the BYOND pager running.
GameServerPortInUse | Could not bind to port we wanted to launch the game server on.
PostDeployFailure | Failed to post GitHub comments, or send TGS event.
WatchdogNotRunning | Attempted to restart a stopped watchdog.
ResourceNotPresent | Attempted to access a resourse that is not (currently) present.
ResourceNeverPresent | Attempted to access a resource that was never present.
GitHubApiRateLimit | A required GitHub API call failed due to rate limiting.
JobStopped | Attempted to cancel a stopped job.
MissingGCore | Missing GCore executable.
GCoreFailure | Non-zero gcore exit code.
RepoTestMergeInvalidRemote | Attempted to test merge with an invalid remote repository.
EngineNonExistentCustomVersion | Attempted to switch to a custom engine version that does not exist.
GameServerOffline | Attempted to perform an operation that requires server (not the watchdog) to be running but it wasn't.
InstanceOffline | Attempted to perform an instance operation with an offline instance.
ChatCannotConnectProvider | An attempt to connect a chat bot failed.
EngineFirewallFail | Attempt to add DreamDaemon to the list of firewall exempt processes failed.
NoPortsAvailable | Attempted to create an instance but no free ports could be found.
PortNotAvailable | Attempted to set a port which is either in use by another part of TGS or otherwise not available for binding.
AdminUserCannotOAuth | Attempted to set Internal.UserApiBase.OAuthConnections for the admin user.
OAuthProviderDisabled | Attempted to login with a disabled OAuth provider.
FileUploadExpired | A job requiring a file upload did not receive it before timing out.
UserGroupAndPermissionSet | Tried to update a user to have both a Internal.UserApiBase.Group and Internal.UserApiBase.PermissionSet.
UserGroupNotEmpty | Tried to delete a non-empty user group.
UserLimitReached | Attempted to create a user but the configured limit has been reached.
UserGroupLimitReached | Attempted to create a user group but the configured limit has been reached.
DeploymentTimeout | A deployment took longer than the configured timeout.
BroadcastFailure | Sending a broadcast message failed.
OpenDreamCantFindDotnet | Could not compile OpenDream due to a missing dotnet executable.
OpenDreamTooOld | Could not install OpenDream due to it not meeting the minimum version requirements.
DotnetDiagnosticsFailure | Failed dotnet diagnostics dump.
DeploymentWrongDme | The configured .dme could not be found.
RepoTokenUsernameMismatch | Entered wrong RepositorySettings.AccessUser for a RepositorySettings.AccessToken.
RemoteGatewaysNotImplemented | Attempted to make a cross swarm server request using the GraphQL API.
12 {
16 [Description("An internal server error occurred!")]
22 [Description("API version mismatch!")]
28 [Description("The request body was malformed!")]
34 [Description("An IO error occurred during the operation!")]
40 [Description("A header validation error occurred!")]
46 [Description("Cannot generate a bearer token using a bearer token!")]
52 [Description("The operation could not be performed as it would violate database integrity. Please retry the request, making sure to not duplicate field names with existing entities!")]
58 [Description("Functionality is unavailable due to a missing host watchdog component! This should NOT be seen in a production environment!")]
64 [Description($"Cannot downgrade to {Constants.CanonicalPackageName} major version <4!")]
70 [Description("A required remote API request returned an error!")]
76 [Description("A server update was requested while another was in progress!")]
82 [Description("Can only change the capitalization of a user's name!")]
88 [Description("Cannot change a user's systemIdentifier!")]
94 [Description("A user cannot have both a name and systemIdentifier!")]
100 [Description("A user cannot have both a password and systemIdentifier!")]
106 [Description("The given password is less than the server's configured minimum password length!")]
112 [Description("User names cannot contain the ':' character!")]
118 [Description("User's name is missing or invalid whitespace!")]
124 [Description("Cannot relocate an instance while it is online!")]
130 [Description("The instance cannot be placed at the given path because it is not empty!")]
136 [Description("Cannot detach an instance while it is online!")]
142 [Description("The instance cannot be placed at the given path because it is a child of an existing instance or the server installation directory!")]
148 [Description("The instance cannot be created because the configured limit has been reached!")]
154 [Description("Instance names and paths cannot be whitespace!")]
160 [Description("The request path requires the 'Instance' header to be set!")]
166 [Description("This operation requires POSIX system identities to be implemented. See https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation-server/issues/709 for details.")]
172 [Description("This existing file hash does not match, the file has beeen updated!")]
178 [Description("The directory cannot be deleted because it is not empty!")]
184 [Description("The server swarm has less than the expected amount of nodes!")]
190 [Description("Either both accessUser and accessToken must be set or neither!")]
196 [Description("The repository is busy being cloned!")]
202 [Description("The repository is busy with another operation!")]
208 [Description("The repository already exists!")]
214 [Description("The repository does not exist and must be cloned!")]
220 [Description("Cannot checkoutSha and set reference at the same time!")]
226 [Description("Cannot checkoutSha and updateFromOrigin at the same time!")]
232 [Description("Could not delete engine version due to it being selected as the instance's active version.")]
238 [Description("The same test merge was present more than once or is already merged!")]
244 [Description("committerName cannot be whitespace!")]
250 [Description("committerEmail cannot be whitespace!")]
256 [Description("Requested pageSize is too large!")]
262 [Description("Cannot request page or pageSize <= 0.")]
268 [Description("One or more of the channels for one or more of the provided chat bots do not have the correct channel data for their provider!")]
274 [Description("A chat bot's connection string cannot be whitespace!")]
280 [Description("A chat bot's name cannot be whitespace!")]
286 [Description("Missing chat bot provider!")]
292 [Description("IO operation could not start contended access to the instance's configuration directory!")]
298 [Description("Performing this operation would violate the instance's configured chatBotLimit!")]
304 [Description("Set amount of chatChannels exceeds the configured channelLimit!")]
310 [Description("Unable to start DirectX installer process! Is the server running with admin privileges?")]
316 [Description("Error downloading specified engine version!")]
322 [Description("Could not acquire lock on engine installation as none exist!")]
328 [Description("DMAPI validation failed! See FAQ at https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation-server/discussions/1695")]
334 [Description("The DMAPI sent an invalid validation request!")]
340 [Description("This user is passwordless and removing their oAuthConnections would leave them with no authentication method!")]
346 [Description("No .dme configured and could not automatically detect one!")]
352 [Description("Could not load configured .dme!")]
358 [Description("Compiler exited with a non-zero exit code!")]
364 [Description("There is already a deployment operation in progress!")]
370 [Description("Could not retrieve DreamDaemon settings from the database!")]
376 [Description("Could not retrieve DreamMaker settings from the database!")]
382 [Description("Could not retrieve Repository settings from the database!")]
388 [Description("Performing this automatic update as a merge would result in conficts. Aborting!")]
394 [Description("Git credentials are required for this operation!")]
400 [Description("The remote is requesting authentication, but is not allowing credentials to be received!")]
406 [Description("This git operation requires the repository HEAD to currently be on a tracked reference!")]
412 [Description("The watchdog is already running!")]
418 [Description("Cannot launch active compile job as it is missing or corrupted!")]
424 [Description("Game server failed to start!")]
430 [Description("Game server failed to start within the configured timeout!")]
436 [Description("Test merging with the current remote is not supported!")]
442 [Description("The value set for checkoutSha or reference should be in the other field!")]
448 [Description("A merge conflict occurred while performing the operation!")]
454 [Description("The repository's current reference is unsuitable for this operation as it does not track a remote reference!")]
460 [Description("Encountered merge conflicts while test merging one or more sources!")]
466 [Description("The new instance's path is not under a white-listed path.")]
472 [Description("Cannot set both softShutdown and softReboot at once!")]
478 [Description("Cannot start DreamDaemon headless with the BYOND pager running!")]
484 [Description("Could not bind to requested game server port! Is there another service running on that port?")]
490 [Description("The deployment succeeded but one or more notification events failed!")]
496 [Description("Cannot restart the watchdog as it is not running!")]
502 [Description("The requested resource is not currently present, but may have been in the past.")]
508 [Description("The requested resource is not present and never has been.")]
514 [Description("A required GitHub API call failed due to rate limiting.")]
520 [Description("Cannot cancel the job as it is no longer running.")]
526 [Description("Attempted to create a process dump but /usr/bin/gcore could not be located!")]
532 [Description("Could not create dump as gcore exited with a non-zero exit code!")]
538 [Description("Test merging cannot be performed with this remote!")]
544 [Description("Cannot switch to requested custom engine version as it is not currently installed.")]
550 [Description("Cannot perform this operation as the game server is not currently running!")]
556 [Description("The instance associated with the operation is currently offline!")]
562 [Description("Failed to connect chat bot!")]
568 [Description("Failed to allow game server through the Windows firewall!")]
574 [Description("TGS was unable to find a free port to allocate for the operation!")]
580 [Description("The requested port is either already in use by TGS or could not be allocated!")]
586 [Description("The admin user cannot use OAuth connections!")]
592 [Description("The requested OAuth provider is disabled via configuration!")]
598 [Description("The job did not receive a required upload before timing out!")]
604 [Description("A user may not have both a permissionSet and group!")]
610 [Description("Cannot delete the user group as it is not empty!")]
616 [Description("The user cannot be created because the configured limit has been reached!")]
622 [Description("The user group cannot be created because the configured limit has been reached!")]
628 [Description("The deployment took longer than the configured timeout!")]
634 [Description("Could not send broadcast to the DMAPI. This can happen either due to there being an insufficient DMAPI version, a communication failure, or the server being offline.")]
640 [Description("OpenDream could not be compiled due to being unable to locate the dotnet executable!")]
646 [Description("The specified OpenDream version is too old!")]
652 [Description("Could not create dump as dotnet diagnostics threw an exception!")]
658 [Description("Could not load configured .dme due to it being outside the deployment directory! This should be a relative path.")]
664 [Description("Provided repository username doesn't match the user of the corresponding access token!")]
670 [Description("GraphQL swarm remote gateways not implemented!")]
672 }
@ OpenDreamTooOld
Could not install OpenDream due to it not meeting the minimum version requirements.
@ ApiMismatch
Indicates an API upgrade was required by the server.
@ ModelValidationFailure
The request body was malformed.
@ GameServerOffline
Attempted to perform an operation that requires server (not the watchdog) to be running but it wasn't...
@ JobStopped
Attempted to cancel a stopped job.
@ ConfigurationContendedAccess
Currently unused.
@ SwarmIntegrityCheckFailed
The server swarm has less than the expected amount of nodes.
@ RepoMissing
Attempted to load a non-existant repo.
@ DeploymentInProgress
Deployment already in progress.
@ RemoteGatewaysNotImplemented
Attempted to make a cross swarm server request using the GraphQL API.
@ DeploymentNoDme
No .dme could be found for deployment.
@ WatchdogNotRunning
Attempted to restart a stopped watchdog.
@ MissingHostWatchdog
Attempted to perform a restart operation without the host watchdog component.
@ CannotRemoveLastAuthenticationOption
Tried to remove the last OAuthConnection for a passwordless user.
@ ChatBotMax
Attempted to add a chat bot when at or above the Instance.ChatBotLimit or it was set to something low...
@ OpenDreamCantFindDotnet
Could not compile OpenDream due to a missing dotnet executable.
@ UserPasswordLength
The given Request.UserUpdateRequest.Password length was less than the server's configured minimum.
@ ApiPageTooLarge
A paginated request asked for too large a page.
@ DeploymentInvalidValidation
The DMAPI sent an invalid validation request.
@ InstanceAtExistingPath
Attempted to change a Instance.Path to a non-empty location.
@ InstanceHeaderRequired
The ApiHeaders.InstanceIdHeader header was required but not set.
@ RepoMismatchShaAndReference
Attempted to Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.CheckoutSha and set Internal.RepositoryApiBase....
@ RepoTokenUsernameMismatch
Entered wrong RepositorySettings.AccessUser for a RepositorySettings.AccessToken.
@ IOError
An IO error occurred while working with the configuration system.
@ AdminUserCannotOAuth
Attempted to set Internal.UserApiBase.OAuthConnections for the admin user.
@ RemoteApiError
A required remote API request failed.
@ GCoreFailure
Non-zero gcore exit code.
@ RepoDuplicateTestMerge
Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.NewTestMerges contained duplicate TestMergeParameters....
@ RepoBusy
The repository is busy with another operation.
@ RepoWhitespaceCommitterName
Attempted to set a whitespace RepositorySettings.CommitterName.
@ DreamDaemonPagerRunning
Attempted to launch DreamDaemon on a user account that had the BYOND pager running.
@ WatchdogCompileJobCorrupted
Attempted to start the watchdog with a corrupted Internal.CompileJob.
@ ConfigurationFileUpdated
A IConfigurationFile was updated.
@ RepoTestMergeConflict
Encounted merge conflicts while test merging.
@ ApiInvalidPageOrPageSize
A paginated request asked for page 0.
@ UserNameChange
Attempted to change something other than the capitalization of a UserName.Name for a user.
@ BadHeaders
The ApiHeaders failed to validate.
@ InstanceOffline
Attempted to perform an instance operation with an offline instance.
@ InstanceMissingDreamDaemonSettings
Missing Internal.DreamDaemonSettings in database.
@ BroadcastFailure
Sending a broadcast message failed.
@ EngineNoVersionsInstalled
Failed to lock engine executables.
@ RepoReferenceNotTracking
The current Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference does not track a remote reference.
@ WatchdogRunning
Attempted to start the watchdog when it was already running.
@ UserGroupAndPermissionSet
Tried to update a user to have both a Internal.UserApiBase.Group and Internal.UserApiBase....
@ ServerUpdateInProgress
A server update was requested while another was in progress.
@ ChatBotWhitespaceConnectionString
Internal.ChatBotSettings.ConnectionString was whitespace.
@ RepoMergeConflict
A merge conflict occurred during a git operation.
@ ChatBotProviderMissing
Internal.ChatBotSettings.Provider was null during creation.
@ RepoExists
Attempted to clone the repository when it already exists.
@ RepoWhitespaceCommitterEmail
Attempted to set a whitespace RepositorySettings.CommitterEmail.
@ InstanceAtConflictingPath
Attempted to change a Instance.Path to a location that conflicts with the server install or another i...
@ RepoUnsupportedTestMergeRemote
Attempted to test merge with an unsupported remote.
@ RepoCredentialsRequired
RepositorySettings.AccessUser and RepositorySettings.AccessToken are required for this operation.
@ InstanceRelocateOnline
Attempted to change a Instance.Path while it was Instance.Online.
@ RepoCloning
The repository is busy being cloned.
@ UserSidChange
Attempted to change a Internal.UserModelBase.SystemIdentifier.
@ ChatBotWhitespaceName
Chat bot NamedEntity.Name was whitespace.
@ TokenWithToken
Attempted to request a Response.TokenResponse with an existing Response.TokenResponse.
@ ByondDirectXInstallFail
Failed to install DirectX with BYOND.
@ EngineFirewallFail
Attempt to add DreamDaemon to the list of firewall exempt processes failed.
@ MissingGCore
Missing GCore executable.
@ FileUploadExpired
A job requiring a file upload did not receive it before timing out.
@ DeploymentExitCode
Compiler failed to compile.
@ UserMissingName
Attempted to create a user with a null or whitespace UserName.Name.
@ InstanceDetachOnline
Attempted to detach an Instance while it was Instance.Online.
@ InstanceMissingDreamMakerSettings
Missing Internal.DreamMakerSettings in database.
@ InstanceMissingRepositorySettings
Missing RepositorySettings in database.
@ DeploymentNeverValidated
The DMAPI never validated itself.
@ RequiresPosixSystemIdentity
The operation requires the unimplemented POSIX system identities feature.
@ GitHubApiRateLimit
A required GitHub API call failed due to rate limiting.
@ ChatCannotConnectProvider
An attempt to connect a chat bot failed.
@ RepoReferenceRequired
Cannot perform operation while not on a Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference.
@ RepoMismatchUserAndAccessToken
One of RepositorySettings.AccessUser and RepositorySettings.AccessToken is set while the other isn't.
@ UserMismatchNameSid
Attempted to create a user with a UserName.Name and Internal.UserModelBase.SystemIdentifier.
@ NoPortsAvailable
Attempted to create an instance but no free ports could be found.
@ ConfigurationDirectoryNotEmpty
Attempted to delete an non-empty directory.
@ RepoMismatchShaAndUpdate
Attempted to Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.CheckoutSha and Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest....
@ ChatBotWrongChannelType
A requested ChatChannel's data does not match with its Internal.ChatBotSettings.Provider.
@ RepoSwappedShaOrReference
Either Request.RepositoryUpdateRequest.CheckoutSha or Internal.RepositoryApiBase.Reference was in one...
@ ResourceNeverPresent
Attempted to access a resource that was never present.
@ DeploymentTimeout
A deployment took longer than the configured timeout.
@ ResourceNotPresent
Attempted to access a resourse that is not (currently) present.
@ InstanceLimitReached
Attempted to create an Instance but the configured instance limit has been reached.
@ DeploymentWrongDme
The configured .dme could not be found.
@ RepoTestMergeInvalidRemote
Attempted to test merge with an invalid remote repository.
@ DatabaseIntegrityConflict
Generic database integrity failure.
@ UserColonInName
Attempted to create a user with a ':' character in the UserName.Name.
@ CannotChangeServerSuite
Attempted to change to a major version less than 4.
@ EngineDownloadFail
Failed to download a given engine version.
@ UserLimitReached
Attempted to create a user but the configured limit has been reached.
@ PortNotAvailable
Attempted to set a port which is either in use by another part of TGS or otherwise not available for ...
@ WatchdogStartupFailed
Game server exited before it finished starting.
@ UserMismatchPasswordSid
Attempted to create a user with a Request.UserUpdateRequest.Password and Internal....
@ EngineCannotDeleteActiveVersion
Could not delete a engine version due to it being set as the active version for the instance.
@ EngineNonExistentCustomVersion
Attempted to switch to a custom engine version that does not exist.
@ OAuthProviderDisabled
Attempted to login with a disabled OAuth provider.
@ WatchdogStartupTimeout
Game server timed-out before it finished starting.
@ InstanceNotAtWhitelistedPath
Attempted to create an instance outside of the Internal.ServerInformationBase.ValidInstancePaths.
@ RepoCannotAuthenticate
The remote returned an invalid authentication request.
@ InternalServerError
An implementation error occurred while processing the request.
@ PostDeployFailure
Failed to post GitHub comments, or send TGS event.
@ ChatBotMaxChannels
Attempted to configure a chat bot with more ChatChannels than the configured Internal....
@ InstanceUpdateTestMergeConflict
Performing an automatic update with the RepositorySettings.AutoUpdatesKeepTestMerges flag resulted in...
@ GameServerDoubleSoft
Attempted to make a game server update with both Internal.DreamDaemonApiBase.SoftRestart and Internal...
@ DotnetDiagnosticsFailure
Failed dotnet diagnostics dump.
@ UserGroupLimitReached
Attempted to create a user group but the configured limit has been reached.
@ UserGroupNotEmpty
Tried to delete a non-empty user group.
@ GameServerPortInUse
Could not bind to port we wanted to launch the game server on.
@ InstanceWhitespaceNameOrPath
Attempted to create an Instance with a whitespace NamedEntity.Name or Instance.Path.
@ DeploymentMissingDme
The configured .dme could not be found.