tgstation-server 6.14.0
The /tg/station 13 server suite
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Namespaces | Classes
Tgstation.Server.Client Namespace Reference


namespace  Components
namespace  Extensions
namespace  GraphQL


class  AdministrationClient
class  ApiClient
class  ApiClientFactory
class  ApiClientTokenRefreshRetryPolicy
 A IRetryPolicy that attempts to refresh a given apiClient's token on the first disconnect. More...
class  ApiConflictException
 Occurs when the server returns a bad request response if the ApiException.ErrorCode is present. The server returned an unknown reponse otherwise. More...
class  ApiException
 API related Exceptions. More...
class  ClientException
 Exceptions thrown by IRestServerClients. More...
class  ConflictException
 Occurs when the client performs an action that would result in data conflict. More...
interface  IAdministrationClient
 For managing server administration. More...
interface  IApiClient
 Web interface for the API. More...
interface  IApiClientFactory
 For creating IApiClients. More...
interface  IInstanceManagerClient
 For managing Instances. More...
class  InfiniteThirtySecondMaxRetryPolicy
 A IRetryPolicy that returns seconds in powers of 2, maxing out at 30s. More...
class  InstanceManagerClient
class  InsufficientPermissionsException
 Occurs when the client attempts to perform an action they do not have the rights for. More...
interface  IRequestLogger
 For logging HTTP requests and responses. More...
interface  IRestServerClient
 Main client for communicating with a server. More...
interface  IRestServerClientFactory
 Factory for creating IRestServerClients. More...
interface  ITransferClient
 For transferring data Streams. More...
interface  IUserGroupsClient
 For managing UserGroupResponses. More...
interface  IUsersClient
 For managing UserResponses. More...
class  MethodNotSupportedException
 Occurs when the client tries to use a currently unsupported API. More...
class  PaginatedClient
 Client that deals with getting paginated results. More...
class  PaginationSettings
 Settings for a paginated request. More...
class  RateLimitException
 Occurs when a GitHub rate limit occurs. More...
class  RequestTimeoutException
 Occurs when the client provides invalid credentials. More...
class  RestServerClient
class  RestServerClientFactory
class  ServerErrorException
 Occurs when an error occurs in the server. More...
class  ServiceUnavailableException
 Occurs when the client makes a request while the server is starting or stopping. More...
class  UnauthorizedException
 Occurs when the client provides invalid credentials. More...
class  UnrecognizedResponseException
 Occurs when a response is received that did not deserialize to one of the expected Api.Models. More...
class  UserGroupsClient
class  UsersClient
class  VersionMismatchException
 Occurs when the API version of the client is not compatible with the server's. More...