tgstation-server 6.14.0
The /tg/station 13 server suite
No Matches
Namespaces | Classes
Tgstation.Server.Host.Components Namespace Reference


namespace  Chat
namespace  Deployment
namespace  Engine
namespace  Events
namespace  Interop
namespace  Repository
namespace  Session
namespace  StaticFiles
namespace  Watchdog


interface  IComponentService
 Represents a component meant to be started and stopped by its parent component. More...
interface  IInstance
 Component version of IInstanceCore. More...
interface  IInstanceCore
 For interacting with the instance services. More...
interface  IInstanceCoreProvider
 Provider for IInstanceCores. More...
interface  IInstanceFactory
 Factory for creating IInstances. More...
interface  IInstanceManager
 For managing IInstances. More...
interface  IInstanceOperations
 Operations that can be performed on a given Models.Instance. More...
interface  IInstanceReference
 Controller version of IInstanceCore. More...
class  Instance
class  InstanceFactory
class  InstanceManager
class  InstanceWrapper
 ReferenceCounter<TInstance> for a given IInstance. More...
interface  IRenameNotifyee
 Handler for an instance being renamed. More...