tgstation-server 6.14.0
The /tg/station 13 server suite
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Namespaces | Classes
Tgstation.Server.Host.Utils Namespace Reference


namespace  GitHub
namespace  SignalR


class  AbstractHttpClientFactory
class  ApiHeadersProvider
class  AsyncDelayer
class  DisposeInvoker
 Runs a given disposeAction on Dispose. More...
class  FifoSemaphore
 A first-in first-out async semaphore. More...
interface  IApiHeadersProvider
 Provides ApiHeaders. More...
interface  IAsyncDelayer
 For waiting asynchronously. More...
interface  IPortAllocator
 Gets unassigned ports for use by TGS. More...
class  OpenApiEnumVarNamesExtension
 Implements the "x-enum-varnames" OpenAPI 3.0 extension. More...
class  PortAllocator
class  ReferenceCounter
 Class used for counting references with ReferenceCountingContainer<TWrapped, TReference>. More...
class  ReferenceCountingContainer
 Wrapper for managing some TWrapped . More...
class  SemaphoreSlimContext
 Async lock context helper. More...
class  SerilogContextHelper
 Helpers for manipulating the Serilog.Context.LogContext. More...
class  SwaggerConfiguration
 Implements various filters for Swashbuckle. More...