51 Channel = channel ??
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));
Represents a mapping of a ChannelRepresentation.RealId.
ChannelMapping(ChannelRepresentation channel)
Initializes a new instance of the ChannelMapping class.
bool IsAdminChannel
If the Channel is an admin channel.
ChannelRepresentation Channel
The ChannelRepresentation with the mapped Id.
bool IsUpdatesChannel
If the Channel is an updates channel.
long ProviderId
The Id of the Providers.IProvider.
bool IsSystemChannel
If the Channel is a system messages channel.
bool IsWatchdogChannel
If Channel is a watchdog channel.
ulong ProviderChannelId
The original ChannelRepresentation.RealId.
Represents a Providers.IProvider channel.