1using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
2using System.Globalization;
15 public long Id {
set; }
45 ChannelData = chatProvider == ChatProvider.Discord ?
DiscordChannelId!.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) :
Indicates a chat channel.
bool? IsUpdatesChannel
If the ChatChannel is an updates channel.
string? Tag
A custom tag users can define to group channels together.
bool? IsSystemChannel
If the ChatChannel received system messages.
bool? IsWatchdogChannel
If the ChatChannel is a watchdog channel.
bool? IsAdminChannel
If the ChatChannel is an admin channel.
Sanity limits to prevent users from overloading.
const int MaximumIndexableStringLength
Length limit for NamedEntity.Names.
ChatBot? ChatSettings
The ChatBot.
ulong? DiscordChannelId
The Discord channel snowflake.
long ChatSettingsId
The EntityId.Id.
string? IrcChannel
The IRC channel name.
Api.Models.ChatChannel ToApi(ChatProvider chatProvider)
Convert to a Api.Models.ChatChannel.
Represents a chat service provider.