tgstation-server 6.14.1
The /tg/station 13 server suite
▼NTgstation | |
▼NServer | |
►NApi | |
►NExtensions | |
CJobCodeExtensions | Extension methods for the JobCode enum |
►NHubs | |
CIJobsHub | SignalR client methods for receiving JobResponses |
►NModels | |
►NInternal | |
CChatBotApiBase | |
CChatBotSettings | Manage the server chat bots |
CChatChannelBase | Base chat channel class |
CChatConnectionStringBuilder | Helper for building ChatBotSettings.ConnectionStrings |
CCompileJob | Represents a deployment run |
CDreamDaemonApiBase | Base class for DreamDaemon API models |
CDreamDaemonLaunchParameters | Launch settings for DreamDaemon |
CDreamDaemonSettings | Configurable settings for DreamDaemon |
CDreamMakerSettings | Represents the state of the DreamMaker compiler. Create action starts a new compile. Delete action cancels the current compile |
CIGitRemoteInformation | Provides information about remote providers |
CInstancePermissionSet | Represents a PermissionSets permissions in an Instance |
CJob | Represents a long running job |
CRepositoryApiBase | Base class for repository models |
CRevisionInformation | Represents information about a current git revison |
CServerInformationBase | Base class for Response.ServerInformationResponse |
CSwarmServer | Information about a server in the swarm |
CSwarmServerInformation | Represents information about a running SwarmServer |
CTestMergeApiBase | Represents a test merge of a remote commit source |
CTestMergeModelBase | Layer of test merge data required internally |
CUpdateInformation | Indicates data from the TGS update source |
CUserApiBase | |
CUserGroup | Represents a group of users |
CUserModelBase | Represents a server user |
►NRequest | |
CChatBotCreateRequest | Represents a request to update a chat bot |
CChatBotUpdateRequest | Represents a request to update a chat bot |
CConfigurationFileRequest | Represents a request to update a configuration file |
CDreamDaemonRequest | A request to update DreamDaemonSettings |
CDreamMakerRequest | A request to the DreamMaker controller |
CEngineVersionDeleteRequest | A request to delete a specific EngineVersion |
CEngineVersionRequest | A request to switch to a given EngineVersion |
CInstanceCreateRequest | A request to create an Instance |
CInstancePermissionSetRequest | A request to update an instance permission set |
CInstanceUpdateRequest | A request to update an Instance |
CRepositoryCreateRequest | Represents a request to clone the repository |
CRepositoryUpdateRequest | Represents a request to change the repository |
CServerUpdateRequest | Represents a request to update TGS |
CUserCreateRequest | For creating a user |
CUserGroupCreateRequest | Request to create a user group |
CUserGroupUpdateRequest | Request to update a user group |
CUserUpdateRequest | For editing a given user |
►NResponse | |
CAdministrationResponse | Represents administrative server information |
CChatBotResponse | Represents a chat bot response |
CCompileJobResponse | |
CConfigurationFileResponse | Response when reading configuration files |
CDreamDaemonResponse | Represents an instance of BYOND's DreamDaemon game server. Create action starts the server. Delete action shuts down the server |
CDreamMakerResponse | A request to the DreamMaker controller |
CEngineInstallResponse | Represents an engine installation job. FileTicketResponse.FileTicket is used to upload custom version zip files |
CEngineResponse | Represents an installed Models.EngineVersion |
CErrorMessageResponse | Represents an error message returned by the server |
CFileTicketResponse | Response for when file transfers are necessary |
CInstancePermissionSetResponse | A response containing an instance permission set |
CInstanceResponse | Server response for Instances |
CJobResponse | Represents a long running job on the server. Model is read-only, updates attempt to cancel the job |
CLogFileResponse | Represents a server log file |
COAuthGatewayResponse | Success result for an OAuth gateway login attempt |
CPaginatedResponse | Represents a paginated set of models |
CRepositoryResponse | Represents a git repository |
CServerInformationResponse | Represents basic server information |
CServerUpdateResponse | A response to a Request.ServerUpdateRequest |
CSwarmServerResponse | |
CTokenResponse | Represents a JWT returned by the API |
CUserGroupResponse | |
CUserResponse | |
CChatChannel | Indicates a chat channel |
CDiscordConnectionStringBuilder | ChatConnectionStringBuilder for ChatProvider.Discord |
CEngineVersion | Information about an engine installation |
CEntityId | Common base of entities with IDs |
CErrorCodeExtensions | Extension methods for the ErrorCode enum |
CIConfigurationFile | Represents a game configuration file. Create and delete actions uncerimonuously overwrite/delete files |
CInstance | Metadata about a server instance |
CIrcConnectionStringBuilder | ChatConnectionStringBuilder for ChatProvider.Irc |
CLimits | Sanity limits to prevent users from overloading |
CNamedEntity | Base class for named entities |
COAuthConnection | Represents a valid OAuth connection |
COAuthProviderInfo | Public information about a given OAuthProvider |
CPermissionSet | Represents a set of server permissions |
CRepositorySettings | Represents configurable settings for a git repository |
CRequestOptionsAttribute | Indicates the FieldPresence for fields in models |
CResponseOptionsAttribute | Indicates the response FieldPresence of API fields. Changes it from FieldPresence.Required to FieldPresence.Optional by default |
CRevisionInformation | |
CTestMerge | |
CTestMergeParameters | Parameters for creating a TestMerge |
CUserName | Base class for user names |
►NProperties | |
CApiVersionAttribute | Attribute for bringing in the HTTP API version from MSBuild |
►NRights | |
CRightsHelper | Helper for RightsTypes |
CApiHeaders | Represents the header that must be present for every server request |
CDefaultCredentials | Represents initial credentials used by the server |
CHeadersException | Thrown when trying to generate ApiHeaders from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Headers.RequestHeaders fails |
CRoutes | Routes to a server actions |
►NClient | |
►NComponents | |
CChatBotsClient | |
CConfigurationClient | |
CDreamDaemonClient | |
CDreamMakerClient | |
CEngineClient | |
CIChatBotsClient | For managing the chat bots |
CIConfigurationClient | For managing IConfigurationFiles |
CIDreamDaemonClient | For managing DreamDaemonResponse |
CIDreamMakerClient | For managing the compiler |
CIEngineClient | For managing the engine installations |
CIInstanceClient | For managing a single Instance |
CIInstancePermissionSetClient | For managing instance permission sets |
CIJobsClient | Access to running jobs |
CInstanceClient | |
CInstancePermissionSetClient | |
CIRepositoryClient | For managing the git repository |
CJobsClient | |
CRepositoryClient | |
►NExtensions | |
CHubConnectionExtensions | Extension methods for the HubConnection class |
►NGraphQL | |
►NSerializers | |
CJwtSerializer | ScalarSerializer<TSerialized, TRuntime> for JsonWebTokens |
CSemverSerializer | ScalarSerializer<TSerialized, TRuntime> for Versions |
CUnsignedIntSerializer | ScalarSerializer<TSerialized, TRuntime> for UInt32s |
CAuthenticatedGraphQLServerClient | |
CAuthenticationException | Exception thrown when automatic IGraphQLServerClient authentication fails |
CAuthorizationMessageHandler | DelegatingHandler that applies the AuthenticationHeaderValue |
CGraphQLServerClient | |
CGraphQLServerClientFactory | |
CIAuthenticatedGraphQLServerClient | A IGraphQLServerClient known to be authenticated |
CIGraphQLServerClient | Wrapper for using a TGS IGraphQLClient |
CIGraphQLServerClientFactory | Factory for creating IGraphQLServerClients |
CLoginResultExtensions | Extensions for ILoginResult |
COperationResultExtensions | Extension methods for the IOperationResult interface |
CAdministrationClient | |
CApiClient | |
CApiClientFactory | |
CApiClientTokenRefreshRetryPolicy | A IRetryPolicy that attempts to refresh a given apiClient's token on the first disconnect |
CApiConflictException | Occurs when the server returns a bad request response if the ApiException.ErrorCode is present. The server returned an unknown reponse otherwise |
CApiException | API related Exceptions |
CClientException | Exceptions thrown by IRestServerClients |
CConflictException | Occurs when the client performs an action that would result in data conflict |
CIAdministrationClient | For managing server administration |
CIApiClient | Web interface for the API |
CIApiClientFactory | For creating IApiClients |
CIInstanceManagerClient | For managing Instances |
CInfiniteThirtySecondMaxRetryPolicy | A IRetryPolicy that returns seconds in powers of 2, maxing out at 30s |
CInstanceManagerClient | |
CInsufficientPermissionsException | Occurs when the client attempts to perform an action they do not have the rights for |
CIRequestLogger | For logging HTTP requests and responses |
CIRestServerClient | Main client for communicating with a server |
CIRestServerClientFactory | Factory for creating IRestServerClients |
CITransferClient | For transferring data Streams |
CIUserGroupsClient | For managing UserGroupResponses |
CIUsersClient | For managing UserResponses |
CMethodNotSupportedException | Occurs when the client tries to use a currently unsupported API |
CPaginatedClient | Client that deals with getting paginated results |
CPaginationSettings | Settings for a paginated request |
CRateLimitException | Occurs when a GitHub rate limit occurs |
CRequestTimeoutException | Occurs when the client provides invalid credentials |
CRestServerClient | |
CRestServerClientFactory | |
CServerErrorException | Occurs when an error occurs in the server |
CServiceUnavailableException | Occurs when the client makes a request while the server is starting or stopping |
CUnauthorizedException | Occurs when the client provides invalid credentials |
CUnrecognizedResponseException | Occurs when a response is received that did not deserialize to one of the expected Api.Models |
CUserGroupsClient | |
CUsersClient | |
CVersionMismatchException | Occurs when the API version of the client is not compatible with the server's |
►NCommon | |
►NExtensions | |
CValueTaskExtensions | Extension methods for the ValueTask and ValueTask<TResult> class es |
CVersionExtensions | Extensions for the Version class |
►NHttp | |
CCachedResponseStream | Caches the Stream from a HttpResponseMessage for later use |
CHttpClient | |
CHttpClientFactory | IAbstractHttpClientFactory that creates HttpClients |
CIAbstractHttpClientFactory | Creates IHttpClients |
CIHttpClient | For sending HTTP requests |
CConstants | Constant values |
►NHost | |
►NAuthority | |
►NCore | |
CAuthorityBase | Base implementation of IAuthority |
CAuthorityInvokerBase | |
CAuthorityResponse | Represents a response from an authority |
CGraphQLAuthorityInvoker | |
CIAuthority | Business logic for interating with the server |
CIAuthorityInvoker | Invokes TAuthority s |
CRestAuthorityInvoker | |
CAdministrationAuthority | |
CIAdministrationAuthority | IAuthority for administrative server operations |
CIGraphQLAuthorityInvoker | Invokes TAuthority s from GraphQL endpoints |
CILoginAuthority | IAuthority for authenticating with the server |
CIPermissionSetAuthority | IAuthority for managing PermissionSets |
CIRestAuthorityInvoker | Invokes TAuthority methods and generates IActionResult responses |
CIUserAuthority | IAuthority for managing Users |
CIUserGroupAuthority | IAuthority for managing UserGroups |
CLoginAuthority | |
CPermissionSetAuthority | |
CUserAuthority | |
CUserGroupAuthority | |
►NCommon | |
CPipeCommands | Values able to be passed via the update file path |
►NComponents | |
►NChat | |
►NCommands | |
CCommandFactory | |
CCustomCommand | Represents a command made from DM code |
CEngineCommand | For displaying the installed Byond version |
CICommand | Represents a command that can be invoked by talking to chat bots |
CICommandFactory | Factory for built in ICommands |
CKekCommand | Kek |
CPullRequestsCommand | Command for reading the active TestMerges |
CRevisionCommand | For displaying Api.Models.Internal.RevisionInformation |
CVersionCommand | ICommand to return the IAssemblyInformationProvider.VersionString |
►NProviders | |
CDiscordForwardingResponder | An IResponder<TGatewayEvent> that forwards to another targetResponder |
CDiscordMessage | A Message containing the source IMessageReference |
CDiscordProvider | IProvider for the Discord app |
CIDiscordResponders | Combined interface for the IResponder types used by TGS |
CIProvider | For interacting with a chat service |
CIProviderFactory | Factory for IProviders |
CIrcProvider | IProvider for internet relay chat |
CMessage | Represents a message received by a IProvider |
CProvider | |
CProviderFactory | |
CChannelMapping | Represents a mapping of a ChannelRepresentation.RealId |
CChannelRepresentation | Represents a Providers.IProvider channel |
CChatManager | |
CChatManagerFactory | |
CChatTrackingContext | |
CChatUser | Represents a tgs_chat_user datum |
CIChannelSink | Notifyee of when ChannelRepresentations in a IChatTrackingContext are updated |
CIChatManager | For managing connected chat services |
CIChatManagerFactory | For creating IChatManagers |
CIChatTrackingContext | Represents a tracking of dynamic chat json files |
CICustomCommandHandler | Handles Commands.ICommands that map to those defined in a IChatTrackingContext |
►NDeployment | |
►NRemote | |
CBaseRemoteDeploymentManager | Base class for implementing IRemoteDeploymentManagers |
CGitHubRemoteDeploymentManager | IRemoteDeploymentManager for |
CGitLabRemoteDeploymentManager | IRemoteDeploymentManager for |
CIRemoteDeploymentManager | Creates and updates remote deployments |
CIRemoteDeploymentManagerFactory | Factory for creating IRemoteDeploymentManagers |
CNoOpRemoteDeploymentManager | No-op implementation of IRemoteDeploymentManager |
CRemoteDeploymentManagerFactory | |
CDeploymentLockManager | Manages locks on a given IDmbProvider |
CDmbFactory | Standard IDmbFactory |
CDmbLock | Represents a lock on a given IDmbProvider |
CDmbProvider | |
CDmbProviderBase | |
CDreamMaker | |
CHardLinkDmbProvider | A IDmbProvider that uses hard links |
CICompileJobSink | Sink for CompileJobs |
CIDmbFactory | Factory for IDmbProviders |
CIDmbProvider | Provides absolute paths to the latest compiled .dmbs |
CIDreamMaker | For managing the compiler |
CILatestCompileJobProvider | Provides the most recently deployed CompileJob |
CSwappableDmbProvider | A IDmbProvider that uses filesystem links to change directory structure underneath the server process |
CSymlinkDmbProvider | A IDmbProvider that uses symlinks |
CTemporaryDmbProvider | Temporary IDmbProvider |
►NEngine | |
CByondInstallation | Implementation of IEngineInstallation for EngineType.Byond |
CByondInstallerBase | Base implementation of IEngineInstaller for EngineType.Byond |
CDelegatingEngineInstaller | Implementation of IEngineInstaller that forwards calls to different IEngineInstaller based on their appropriate EngineType |
CEngineExecutableLock | |
CEngineInstallationBase | |
CEngineInstallerBase | |
CEngineManager | |
CIEngineExecutableLock | Represents usage of the two primary BYOND server executables |
CIEngineInstallation | Represents a BYOND installation |
CIEngineInstallationData | Wraps data containing an engine installation |
CIEngineInstaller | For downloading and installing game engines for a given system |
CIEngineManager | For managing the engine installations |
COpenDreamInstallation | Implementation of IEngineInstallation for EngineType.OpenDream |
COpenDreamInstaller | Implementation of IEngineInstaller for EngineType.OpenDream |
CPosixByondInstaller | IEngineInstaller for Posix systems |
CRepositoryEngineInstallationData | Implementation of IEngineInstallationData using a IRepository |
CWindowsByondInstaller | IEngineInstaller for windows systems |
CWindowsOpenDreamInstaller | Implementation of OpenDreamInstaller for Windows systems |
CZipStreamEngineInstallationData | Implementation of IEngineInstallationData for a zip file in a Stream |
►NEvents | |
CEventConsumer | |
CEventScriptAttribute | Attribute for indicating the script that a given EventType runs |
CIEventConsumer | Consumes EventTypes and takes the appropriate actions |
CNoopEventConsumer | No-op implementation of IEventConsumer |
►NInterop | |
►NBridge | |
CBridgeParameters | Parameters for a bridge request |
CBridgeRegistration | |
CBridgeResponse | A response to a bridge request |
CCustomEventInvocation | Parameters for invoking a custom event |
CIBridgeDispatcher | Handler for BridgeParameters |
CIBridgeHandler | |
CIBridgeRegistrar | Registers IBridgeHandlers |
CIBridgeRegistration | Represents a registration of an interop session |
CRuntimeInformation | Representation of the initial data passed as part of a BridgeCommandType.Startup request |
CTestMergeInformation | This model mirrors /datum/tgs_revision_information/test_merge |
►NTopic | |
CChatCommand | Represents a chat command to be handled by DD |
CChunkedTopicParameters | TopicParameters for TopicCommandType.ReceiveChunk |
CEventNotification | Data structure for TopicCommandType.EventNotification requests |
CTopicParameters | Parameters for a topic request |
CTopicResponse | A response to a topic request |
CChatEmbed | Represents an embed for the chat |
CChatEmbedAuthor | Represents information about a ChatEmbed author |
CChatEmbedField | Represents a field in a ChatEmbed |
CChatEmbedFooter | Represents a footer in a ChatEmbed |
CChatEmbedMedia | Represents information about a thumbnail in a ChatEmbed |
CChatEmbedProvider | Represents information about a ChatEmbed provider |
CChatMessage | Represents a message to send to one or more Chat.ChannelRepresentations |
CChatUpdate | Represents an update of ChannelRepresentations |
CChunkData | A packet of a split serialized set of data |
CChunker | Class that deserializes chunked interop payloads |
CChunkSetInfo | Information about a chunked bridge request |
CDMApiConstants | Constants used for communication with the DMAPI |
CDMApiParameters | Common base for interop parameters |
CDMApiResponse | Common base for interop responses |
CIChunkPayloadId | Represents the payload ID of a set of chunked data |
CIMissingPayloadsCommunication | A communication that can be missing chunk payloads |
CMessageContent | Represents a message to send to a chat provider |
►NRepository | |
CDefaultGitRemoteFeatures | The IGitRemoteFeatures used for unknown providers |
CGitHubRemoteFeatures | GitHub IGitRemoteFeatures |
CGitLabRemoteFeatures | GitLab IGitRemoteFeatures |
CGitRemoteFeaturesBase | Base class for implementing IGitRemoteFeatures |
CGitRemoteFeaturesFactory | |
CICredentialsProvider | For generating CredentialsHandlers |
CIGitRemoteAdditionalInformation | Additional information from git remotes |
CIGitRemoteFeatures | Provides features for remote git services |
CIGitRemoteFeaturesFactory | Factory for creating IGitRemoteFeatures |
CILibGit2Commands | For low level interactions with a LibGit2Sharp.IRepository |
CILibGit2RepositoryFactory | Factory for creating LibGit2Sharp.IRepositorys |
CIRepository | Represents an on-disk git repository |
CIRepositoryManager | Factory for creating and loading IRepositorys |
CIRepositoryManagerFactory | Factory for creating IRepositoryManagers |
CLibGit2Commands | |
CLibGit2RepositoryFactory | |
CRepository | |
CRepositoryManager | |
CRepostoryManagerFactory | |
CTestMergeResult | Represents the result of a repository test merge attempt |
►NSession | |
CCombinedTopicResponse | Combines a Byond.TopicSender.TopicResponse with a TopicResponse |
CISessionController | Handles communication with a DreamDaemon IProcess |
CISessionControllerFactory | Factory for ISessionControllers |
CISessionPersistor | Handles saving and loading ReattachInformation |
CITopicClientFactory | Factory for ITopicClients |
CLaunchResult | Represents the result of trying to start a DD process |
CReattachInformation | Parameters necessary for duplicating a ISessionController session |
CSessionController | |
CSessionControllerFactory | |
CSessionPersistor | |
CTopicClientFactory | |
►NStaticFiles | |
CConfiguration | |
CIConfiguration | For managing the Configuration directory |
CServerSideModifications | Represents code modifications via configuration |
►NWatchdog | |
CAdvancedWatchdog | A IWatchdog that, instead of killing servers for updates, uses the wonders of filesystem links to swap out changes without killing the server process |
CBasicWatchdog | A IWatchdog that manages one server |
CIWatchdog | Runs and monitors the twin server controllers |
CIWatchdogFactory | For creating IWatchdogs |
CPosixWatchdog | A variant of the AdvancedWatchdog that works on POSIX systems |
CPosixWatchdogFactory | IWatchdogFactory for creating PosixWatchdogs |
CWatchdogBase | Base class for IWatchdogs |
CWatchdogFactory | |
CWindowsWatchdog | A variant of the AdvancedWatchdog that works on Windows systems |
CWindowsWatchdogFactory | IWatchdogFactory for creating AdvancedWatchdogs |
CIComponentService | Represents a component meant to be started and stopped by its parent component |
CIInstance | Component version of IInstanceCore |
CIInstanceCore | For interacting with the instance services |
CIInstanceCoreProvider | Provider for IInstanceCores |
CIInstanceFactory | Factory for creating IInstances |
CIInstanceManager | For managing IInstances |
CIInstanceOperations | Operations that can be performed on a given Models.Instance |
CIInstanceReference | Controller version of IInstanceCore |
CInstance | |
CInstanceFactory | |
CInstanceManager | |
CInstanceWrapper | ReferenceCounter<TInstance> for a given IInstance |
CIRenameNotifyee | Handler for an instance being renamed |
►NConfiguration | |
CControlPanelConfiguration | Configuration options for the web control panel |
CDatabaseConfiguration | Configuration options for the Database.DatabaseContext |
CElasticsearchConfiguration | Configuration options pertaining to elasticsearch log storage |
CFileLoggingConfiguration | File logging configuration options |
CGeneralConfiguration | General configuration options |
CInternalConfiguration | Unstable configuration options used internally by TGS |
COAuthConfiguration | OAuth configuration options |
COAuthConfigurationBase | Base OAuth options |
CSecurityConfiguration | Configuration options pertaining to user security |
CSessionConfiguration | Configuration options for the game sessions |
CSwarmConfiguration | Configuration for the server swarm system |
CTelemetryConfiguration | Configuration options for telemetry |
CUpdatesConfiguration | Configuration for the automatic update system |
►NConsole | |
CPosixSignalChecker | ISignalChecker for checking POSIX signals |
CProgram | Contains the entrypoint for the application |
►NControllers | |
►NResults | |
CLimitedStreamResult | Very similar to FileStreamResult except it's IActionResultExecutor<TResult> contains a fix for |
CLimitedStreamResultExecutor | IActionResultExecutor<TResult> for LimitedStreamResults |
CPaginatableResult | Helper for returning paginated models |
CAdministrationController | ApiController for TGS administration purposes |
CApiController | Base Controller for API functions |
CApiControllerBase | Base class for all API style controllers |
CApiRootController | Root ApiController for the Application |
CBridgeController | Controller for receiving DMAPI requests from DreamDaemon |
CChatController | ApiController for managing ChatBots |
CComponentInterfacingController | ApiController for operations on IInstanceCores |
CConfigurationController | The ApiController for IConfigurationFiles |
CControlPanelController | Controller for the web control panel |
CDreamDaemonController | ApiController for managing the DreamDaemonResponse |
CDreamMakerController | ApiController for managing the deployment system |
CEngineController | Controller for managing engine installations |
CInstanceController | ApiController for managing Components.Instances |
CInstancePermissionSetController | ApiController for managing InstancePermissionSets |
CInstanceRequiredController | ComponentInterfacingController for operations that require an instance |
CJobController | ApiController for Jobs |
CRepositoryController | ApiController for managing the git repository |
CRootController | The root path Controller |
CSwarmController | For swarm server communication |
CTransferController | ApiController for file streaming |
CUserController | ApiController for managing Users |
CUserGroupController | ApiController for managing UserGroupResponses |
►NCore | |
CApplication | Sets up dependency injection |
CCommandPipeManager | Reads from the command pipe opened by the host watchdog |
CIRestartHandler | Handler for server restarts |
CIRestartRegistration | Represents the lifetime of a IRestartHandler registration |
CIServerControl | Represents a service that may take an updated Host assembly and run it, stopping the current assembly in the process |
CIServerPortProvider | Provides access to the server's HttpApiPort |
CIServerUpdateExecutor | Executes server update operations |
CIServerUpdateInitiator | Initiates server self updates |
CIServerUpdater | Updates the server |
CRestartRegistration | |
CServerPortProivder | |
CServerUpdateInitiator | |
CServerUpdateOperation | Necessary data for performing a server update |
CServerUpdater | |
CVersionReportingService | Handles TGS version reporting, if enabled |
►NDatabase | |
►NDesign | |
CDesignTimeDbContextFactoryHelpers | Contains helpers for creating design time DatabaseContexts |
CMySqlDesignTimeDbContextFactory | IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<TContext> for creating MySqlDatabaseContexts |
CPostgresSqlDesignTimeDbContextFactory | IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<TContext> for creating PostgresSqlDatabaseContexts |
CSqliteDesignTimeDbContextFactory | IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<TContext> for creating SqliteDatabaseContexts |
CSqlServerDesignTimeDbContextFactory | IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<TContext> for creating SqlServerDatabaseContexts |
►NMigrations | |
CMSAddAdditionalDDParameters | Adds the AdditionalParameters DD column for MSSQL |
CMSAddChatBotReconnectionInterval | Adds the Api.Models.Internal.ChatBotSettings.ReconnectionInterval property for MSSQL |
CMSAddCompileJobDMApiVersion | Add fields for the Models.CompileJob.DMApiVersion property for MSSQL |
CMSAddCompilerAdditionalArguments | |
CMSAddCronAutoUpdates | |
CMSAddDeploymentColumns | Adds columns for GitHub deployments for MSSQL |
CMSAddDeploymentTimeout | Adds the DreamMakerSettings Timeout column for MSSQL |
CMSAddDMApiValidationMode | |
CMSAddDreamDaemonLogOutput | Adds the DreamDaemon LogOutput column for MSSQL |
CMSAddDreamDaemonVisibility | Add DreamDaemon visibilty for MSSQL |
CMSAddDumpOnHeartbeatRestart | Adds the DreamMakerSettings DumpOnHeartbeatRestart column for MSSQL |
CMSAddHeartbeat | Add heartbeat support for MSSQL |
CMSAddJobCodes | |
CMSAddJobErrorCodes | Adds the Api.Models.Internal.Job.ErrorCode column for MSSQL |
CMSAddMapThreads | Adds the MapThreads DreamDaemonSettings column for MSSQL |
CMSAddMinidumpsOption | |
CMSAddMinimumSecurity | Add the Api.Models.Internal.CompileJob.MinimumSecurityLevel and Api.Models.Internal.DreamMakerSettings.ApiValidationSecurityLevel columns for MSSQL |
CMSAddOAuthConnections | Adds the OAuthConnections table for MSSQL |
CMSAddOpenDreamTopicPort | |
CMSAddProfiler | Adds the option to start the profiler with DreamDaemon for MSSQL |
CMSAddReattachInfoInitialCompileJob | Adds the InitialCompileJobId to the ReattachInformations table for MSSQL |
CMSAddRevInfoTimestamp | Add the Timestamp column to RevisionInformations for MSSQL |
CMSAddSwarmIdentifer | Adds the swarm identifier column for MSSQL |
CMSAddSystemChannels | Adds the IsSystemChannel chat channel option for MSSQL |
CMSAddTopicPort | |
CMSAddUpdateSubmodules | Adds the UpdateSubmodules repository setting for MSSQL |
CMSAddUserGroups | Adds UserGroups for MSSQL |
CMSAllowNullDMApi | Update models for making the DMAPI optional for MSSQL |
CMSCheckpointRebuild | Checkpoint model rebuild for MSSQL |
CMSFixCascadingDelete | Fix cascading data deletes for Models.Instances on MSSQL |
CMSFixRevInfoIndex | Make commit shas non-unique per Instance for MSSQL |
CMSGenericTestMergingUpdate | Renames the PullRequestRevision and adds the RepositoryOrigin columns for MSSQL |
CMSInitialCreate | The initial database migration for MSSQL |
CMSKillJsonsAddDMApiVersion | Drop chat reattach information and add Models.ReattachInformationBase.LaunchSecurityLevel for MSSQL |
CMSLimitsOnChat | Adds chat limits for MSSQL |
CMSNullableAndForeignKeyCleanup | Cleans up of nullable columns and foreign keys MSSQL |
CMSReattachCompileJobRequired | Marks the Models.CompileJobs of Models.ReattachInformations as non-nullable for MSSQL |
CMSRemoveExperimentalWatchdog | Removes the WatchdogReattachInformations table, SecondaryPort column, and renames the primary port column for MSSQL |
CMSRemoveSoftColumns | Removes various defunct columns for MSSQL |
CMSRenameByondColumnsToEngine | |
CMSRenameHeartbeatsToHealthChecks | Renames the Heatbeat DreamDaemonSettings to HealthCheck for MSSQL |
CMSSwitchTo64BitDeploymentIds | |
CMSToggleTestmergeComments | Add the Api.Models.RepositorySettings.PostTestMergeComment column for MSSQL |
CMSTonsOfValidation | Reduces column sizes and fixes some broken indexes for MSSQL |
CMSTopicTimeout | Add BYOND topic timeouts for MSSQL |
CMSTruncateInstanceNames | Reduces the index name column size for MSSQL |
CMYAddAdditionalDDParameters | Adds the AdditionalParameters DD column for MySQL |
CMYAddChatBotReconnectionInterval | Adds the Api.Models.Internal.ChatBotSettings.ReconnectionInterval property for MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYAddCompileJobDMApiVersion | Add fields for the Models.CompileJob.DMApiVersion property for MYSQL |
CMYAddCompilerAdditionalArguments | |
CMYAddCronAutoUpdates | |
CMYAddDeploymentColumns | Adds columns for GitHub deployments for MYSQL |
CMYAddDeploymentTimeout | Adds the DreamMakerSettings Timeout column for MYSQL |
CMYAddDMApiValidationMode | |
CMYAddDreamDaemonLogOutput | Adds the DreamDaemon LogOutput column for MYSQL |
CMYAddDreamDaemonVisibility | Add DreamDaemon visibilty for MYSQL |
CMYAddDumpOnHeartbeatRestart | Adds the DreamMakerSettings DumpOnHeartbeatRestart column for MYSQL |
CMYAddHeartbeat | Add heartbeat support for MYSQL |
CMYAddJobCodes | |
CMYAddJobErrorCodes | Adds the Api.Models.Internal.Job.ErrorCode column for MYSQL |
CMYAddMapThreads | Adds the MapThreads DreamDaemonSettings column for MYSQL |
CMYAddMinidumpsOption | |
CMYAddMinimumSecurity | Add the Api.Models.Internal.CompileJob.MinimumSecurityLevel and Api.Models.Internal.DreamMakerSettings.ApiValidationSecurityLevel columns for MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYAddOAuthConnections | Adds the OAuthConnections table for MYSQL |
CMYAddOpenDreamTopicPort | |
CMYAddProfiler | Adds the option to start the profiler with DreamDaemon for MYSQL |
CMYAddReattachInfoInitialCompileJob | Adds the InitialCompileJobId to the ReattachInformations table for MYSQL |
CMYAddRevInfoTimestamp | Add the Timestamp column to RevisionInformations for MYSQL |
CMYAddSwarmIdentifer | Adds the swarm identifier column for MySQL |
CMYAddSystemChannels | Adds the IsSystemChannel chat channel option for MYSQL |
CMYAddTopicPort | |
CMYAddUpdateSubmodules | Adds the UpdateSubmodules repository setting for MYSQL |
CMYAddUserGroups | Adds UserGroups for MySQL |
CMYAllowNullDMApi | Update models for making the DMAPI optional for MYSQL |
CMYCheckpointRebuild | Checkpoint model rebuild for MYSQL |
CMYFixCascadingDelete | Fix cascading data deletes for Models.Instances on MYSQL |
CMYFixForeignKey | Fix the CompileJob/RevisionInformation foreign key for MySQL |
CMYFixRevInfoIndex | Make commit shas non-unique per Instance for MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYGenericTestMergingUpdate | Renames the PullRequestRevision and adds the RepositoryOrigin columns for MYSQL |
CMYInitialCreate | The initial database migration for MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYKillJsonsAddDMApiVersion | Drop chat reattach information and add Models.ReattachInformationBase.LaunchSecurityLevel for MYSQL |
CMYLimitsOnChat | Adds chat limits for MYSQL |
CMYNormalizeVersionUpdates | |
CMYNullableAndForeignKeyCleanup | Cleans up of nullable columns and foreign keys MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYReattachCompileJobRequired | Marks the Models.CompileJobs of Models.ReattachInformations as non-nullable for MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYRemoveExperimentalWatchdog | Removes the WatchdogReattachInformations table, SecondaryPort column, and renames the primary port column for MYSQL |
CMYRemoveSoftColumns | Removes various defunct columns for MYSQL |
CMYRenameByondColumnsToEngine | |
CMYRenameHeartbeatsToHealthChecks | Renames the Heatbeat DreamDaemonSettings to HealthCheck for MYSQL |
CMYSwitchTo64BitDeploymentIds | |
CMYToggleTestmergeComments | Add the Api.Models.RepositorySettings.PostTestMergeComment column for MySQL/MariaDB |
CMYTonsOfValidation | Reduces column sizes and fixes some broken indexes for MYSQL |
CMYTopicTimeout | Add BYOND topic timeouts for MYSQL |
CMYTruncateInstanceNames | Reduces the index name column size for MYSQL |
CPGAddAdditionalDDParameters | Adds the AdditionalParameters DD column for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddCompilerAdditionalArguments | |
CPGAddCronAutoUpdates | |
CPGAddDeploymentColumns | Adds columns for GitHub deployments for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddDeploymentTimeout | Adds the DreamMakerSettings Timeout column for PostgresSql |
CPGAddDMApiValidationMode | |
CPGAddDreamDaemonLogOutput | Adds the DreamDaemon LogOutput column for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddDreamDaemonVisibility | Add DreamDaemon visibilty for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddDumpOnHeartbeatRestart | Adds the DreamMakerSettings DumpOnHeartbeatRestart column for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddJobCodes | |
CPGAddMapThreads | Adds the MapThreads DreamDaemonSettings column for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddMinidumpsOption | |
CPGAddOAuthConnections | Adds the OAuthConnections table for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddOpenDreamTopicPort | |
CPGAddProfiler | Adds the option to start the profiler with DreamDaemon for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddReattachInfoInitialCompileJob | Adds the InitialCompileJobId to the ReattachInformations table for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddRevInfoTimestamp | Add the Timestamp column to RevisionInformations for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddSwarmIdentifer | Adds the swarm identifier column for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddSystemChannels | Adds the IsSystemChannel chat channel option for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddTopicPort | |
CPGAddUpdateSubmodules | Adds the UpdateSubmodules repository setting for PostgresSQL |
CPGAddUserGroups | Adds UserGroups for PostgresSql |
CPGAllowNullDMApi | Update models for making the DMAPI optional for PostgresSQL |
CPGCreate | Create initial schema for PostgresSQL |
CPGGenericTestMergingUpdate | Renames the PullRequestRevision and adds the RepositoryOrigin columns for PostgresSQL |
CPGRemoveExperimentalWatchdog | Removes the WatchdogReattachInformations table, SecondaryPort column, and renames the primary port column for PostgresSQL |
CPGRenameByondColumnsToEngine | |
CPGRenameHeartbeatsToHealthChecks | Renames the Heatbeat DreamDaemonSettings to HealthCheck for PostgresSQL |
CPGSwitchTo64BitDeploymentIds | |
CPGTopicTimeout | Add BYOND topic timeouts for PostgresSQL |
CPGTruncateInstanceNames | Reduces the index name column size for PostgresSQL |
CSLAddAdditionalDDParameters | Adds columns for GitHub deployments for SQLite |
CSLAddCompilerAdditionalArguments | |
CSLAddCronAutoUpdates | |
CSLAddDeploymentColumns | Adds columns for GitHub deployments for SQLite |
CSLAddDeploymentTimeout | Adds the DreamMakerSettings Timeout column for SQLite |
CSLAddDMApiValidationMode | |
CSLAddDreamDaemonLogOutput | Adds the DreamDaemon LogOutput column for SQLite |
CSLAddDreamDaemonVisibility | Add DreamDaemon visibilty for SQLite |
CSLAddDumpOnHeartbeatRestart | Adds the DreamMakerSettings DumpOnHeartbeatRestart column for SQLite |
CSLAddHeartbeat | Add heartbeat support for SQLite |
CSLAddJobCodes | |
CSLAddMapThreads | Adds the MapThreads DreamDaemonSettings column for SQLite |
CSLAddMinidumpsOption | |
CSLAddOAuthConnections | Adds the OAuthConnections table for SQLite |
CSLAddOpenDreamTopicPort | |
CSLAddProfiler | Adds the option to start the profiler with DreamDaemon for SQLite |
CSLAddReattachInfoInitialCompileJob | Adds the InitialCompileJobId to the ReattachInformations table for SQLite |
CSLAddRevInfoTimestamp | Add the Timestamp column to RevisionInformations for SQLite |
CSLAddSwarmIdentifer | Adds the swarm identifier column for SQLite |
CSLAddSystemChannels | Adds the IsSystemChannel chat channel option for SQLite |
CSLAddTopicPort | |
CSLAddUpdateSubmodules | Adds the UpdateSubmodules repository setting for SQLite |
CSLAddUserGroups | Adds UserGroups for SQLite |
CSLAllowNullDMApi | Update models for making the DMAPI optional for SQLite |
CSLGenericTestMergingUpdate | Renames the PullRequestRevision and adds the RepositoryOrigin columns for SQLite |
CSLRebuild | Rebuild of the schema for SQLite |
CSLRemoveExperimentalWatchdog | Removes the WatchdogReattachInformations table, SecondaryPort column, and renames the primary port column for SQLite |
CSLRemoveSoftColumns | Removes various defunct columns for SQLite |
CSLRenameByondColumnsToEngine | |
CSLRenameHeartbeatsToHealthChecks | Renames the Heatbeat DreamDaemonSettings to HealthCheck for SQLite |
CSLTopicTimeout | Add BYOND topic timeouts for SQLite |
CDatabaseCollection | |
CDatabaseConnectionFactory | |
CDatabaseContext | Backend abstract implementation of IDatabaseContext |
CDatabaseContextFactory | |
CDatabaseSeeder | |
CIDatabaseCollection | Represents a database table |
CIDatabaseConnectionFactory | For creating raw DbConnections |
CIDatabaseContext | Represents the database |
CIDatabaseContextFactory | Factory for scoping usage of IDatabaseContexts. Meant for use by Components |
CIDatabaseSeeder | For initially setting up a database |
CMSAddAutoStartAndStop | |
CMYAddAutoStartAndStop | |
CMySqlDatabaseContext | DatabaseContext for MySQL |
CMySqlDatabaseContextModelSnapshot | |
CPGAddAutoStartAndStop | |
CPostgresSqlDatabaseContext | DatabaseContext for PostgresSQL |
CPostgresSqlDatabaseContextModelSnapshot | |
CSLAddAutoStartAndStop | |
CSqliteDatabaseContext | DatabaseContext for SQLite |
CSqliteDatabaseContextModelSnapshot | |
CSqlServerDatabaseContext | DatabaseContext for Sqlserver |
CSqlServerDatabaseContextModelSnapshot | |
►NExtensions | |
►NConverters | |
CBoolConverter | JsonConverter for decoding bools returned by BYOND |
CApplicationBuilderExtensions | Extensions for IApplicationBuilder |
CChatChannelExtensions | Extensions for the ChatChannel class |
CControllerBaseExtensions | Extension methods for ControllerBase |
CDatabaseCollectionExtensions | Extension methods for the IDatabaseCollection<TModel> interface |
CDateTimeOffsetExtensions | Extension methods for the DateTimeOffset class |
CFetchOptionsExtensions | Extension methods for FetchOptions |
CFileTransferStreamHandlerExtensions | Extension methods for IFileTransferStreamHandler |
CGeneralConfigurationExtensions | Extension methods for the GeneralConfiguration class |
CHostBuilderExtensions | Extension methods for the IHostBuilder class |
CIOManagerExtensions | Extension methods for IIOManager |
CModelBuilderExtensions | Extension methods for the ModelBuilder class |
COAuthGatewayStatusExtensions | Extension methods for OAuthGatewayStatus |
CResultExtensions | Extensions for IResult |
CServiceCollectionExtensions | Extensions for IServiceCollection |
CSocketExtensions | Extension methods for the Socket class |
CTaskExtensions | Extensions for the Task and Task<TResult> class es |
CTopicClientExtensions | Extension methods for ITopicClient |
CWebHostBuilderExtensions | Extension methods for the IWebHostBuilder class |
►NGraphQL | |
►NInterceptors | |
CRightsTypeInterceptor | Fixes the names used for the default flags types in API rights |
►NInterfaces | |
CIGateway | Management interface for the parent SwarmNode |
CIServerNode | Represents a tgstation-server installation |
CIUserName | A lightly scoped Types.User |
►NMutations | |
►NPayloads | |
CLoginResult | Success response for a login attempt |
COAuthGatewayLoginResult | Success result for an OAuth gateway login attempt |
CPermissionSetInput | Updates a set of permissions for the server. null values default to their "None" variants |
CAdministrationMutations | IAdministrationAuthority related Mutations |
CUserGroupMutations | IUserGroupAuthority related Mutations |
CUserMutations | IUserAuthority related Mutations |
►NScalars | |
CFileUploadTicketType | A StringScalarType for upload Api.Models.Response.FileTicketResponses |
CJwtType | A StringScalarType for encoded JSON Web Tokens |
CSemverType | A ScalarType<TRuntimeType, TLiteral> for semantic Versions |
CStringScalarType | A ScalarType<TRuntimeType, TLiteral> for specialized string types |
►NSubscriptions | |
CITopicEventReceiver | Implementation of HotChocolate.Subscriptions.ITopicEventReceiver that works around the global::System.Threading.CancellationToken issue described in |
CShutdownAwareTopicEventReceiver | |
CUserSubscriptions | Subscriptions for User |
►NTypes | |
►NOAuth | |
CBasicOAuthProviderInfo | Basic OAuth provider info |
CFullOAuthProviderInfo | OAuth provider info with a RedirectOAuthProviderInfo.RedirectUri and ServerUrl |
COAuthConnection | Represents a valid OAuth connection |
COAuthProviderInfos | Description of configured OAuth services |
CRedirectOAuthProviderInfo | OAuth provider info with a RedirectUri |
CServerUrlOAuthProviderInfo | OAuth provider info with a ServerUrl |
CEntity | Represents a database entity |
CGatewayInformation | Represents information about a SwarmNode retrieved via a Interfaces.IGateway |
CInstance | Represents a game server instance |
CInstancePermissionSet | Represents a set of permissions for an Instance |
CLocalGateway | IGateway for the SwarmNode this query is executing on |
CNamedEntity | An Entity with a Name |
CPermissionSet | Represents a set of permissions for the server |
CRemoteGateway | IGateway for accessing remote SwarmNodes |
CServerSwarm | Represents a tgstation-server swarm |
CStandaloneNode | A IServerNode not running as part of a larger ServerSwarm |
CSwarmNode | Represents a node server in a swarm |
CUpdateInformation | Gets information about updates for the ServerSwarm |
CUser | A user registered in the server |
CUserGroup | Represents a group of Users |
CUserGroups | Wrapper for accessing UserGroups |
CUserName | A User with limited fields |
CUsers | Wrapper for accessing Users |
CErrorMessageException | Exception representing ErrorMessageResponses |
CErrorMessageFilter | IErrorFilter for transforming ErrorMessageResponse-like Exception |
CMutation | Root type for GraphQL mutations |
CQuery | GraphQL query global::System.Type |
CSubscription | Root type for GraphQL subscriptions |
►NIO | |
CBufferedFileStreamProvider | IFileStreamProvider that provides a ISeekableFileStreamProvider from an input Stream |
CConsole | Implementation of IConsole, uses global::System.Console |
CDefaultIOManager | IIOManager that resolves paths to Environment.CurrentDirectory |
CFileDownloader | |
CIConsole | Abstraction for global::System.Console |
CIFileDownloader | Downloads files |
CIFileStreamProvider | Interface for asynchronously consuming Streams of files |
CIFilesystemLinkFactory | For creating filesystem symbolic links |
CIIOManager | Interface for using filesystems |
CIPostWriteHandler | Handles changing file modes/permissions after writing |
CISeekableFileStreamProvider | IFileStreamProvider that provides MemoryStreams |
CISynchronousIOManager | For accessing the disk in a synchronous manner |
CPosixFilesystemLinkFactory | IFilesystemLinkFactory for POSIX systems |
CPosixPostWriteHandler | IPostWriteHandler for POSIX systems |
CRequestFileStreamProvider | A IFileStreamProvider that represents the response of HttpRequestMessages |
CResolvingIOManager | An IIOManager that resolve relative paths from another IIOManager to a subdirectory of that |
CSynchronousIOManager | |
CWindowsFilesystemLinkFactory | IFilesystemLinkFactory for windows systems |
CWindowsPostWriteHandler | IPostWriteHandler for Windows systems |
►NJobs | |
CIJobManager | Manages the runtime of Jobs |
CIJobService | The service that manages everything to do with jobs |
CIJobsHubUpdater | Allows manually triggering jobs hub updates |
CJobException | Operation exceptions thrown from the context of a Models.Job |
CJobHandler | Class for pairing Tasks with CancellationTokenSources |
CJobProgressReporter | Progress reporter for a Job |
CJobService | |
CJobsHub | A SignalR Hub for pushing job updates |
CJobsHubGroupMapper | Handles mapping groups for the JobsHub |
►NModels | |
►NTransformers | |
CPermissionSetGraphQLTransformer | ITransformer<TInput, TOutput> for GraphQL.Types.PermissionSets |
CTransformerBase | |
CUserGraphQLTransformer | ITransformer<TInput, TOutput> for GraphQL.Types.Users |
CUserGroupGraphQLTransformer | ITransformer<TInput, TOutput> for GraphQL.Types.UserGroups |
CUserNameGraphQLTransformer | ITransformer<TInput, TOutput> for GraphQL.Types.UserNames |
CChatBot | |
CChatChannel | |
CCompileJob | |
CDreamDaemonSettings | |
CDreamMakerSettings | |
CIApiTransformable | Represents a host-side model that may be transformed into a TApiModel |
CILegacyApiTransformable | Represents a host-side model that may be transformed into a TApiModel |
CInstance | Represents an Api.Models.Instance in the database |
CInstancePermissionSet | |
CITransformer | Contains a transformation Expression for converting TInput s to TOutput s |
CJob | |
CModelExtensions | Extensions for Models |
COAuthConnection | |
CPermissionSet | |
CReattachInformation | Database representation of Components.Session.ReattachInformation |
CReattachInformationBase | Base class for ReattachInformation |
CRepositorySettings | |
CRevInfoTestMerge | Many to many relationship for Models.RevisionInformation and Models.TestMerge |
CRevisionInformation | |
CTestMerge | |
CUser | |
CUserGroup | Represents a group of Users |
►NProperties | |
CMasterVersionsAttribute | Attribute for bringing in the master versions list from MSBuild that aren't embedded into assemblies by default |
CTelemetryAppSerializedKeyAttribute | Attribute for bundling the GitHub App serialized private key used for version telemetry |
►NSecurity | |
►NOAuth | |
CDiscordOAuthValidator | OAuth validator for Discord |
CGenericOAuthValidator | IOAuthValidator for generic OAuth2 endpoints |
CGitHubOAuthValidator | IOAuthValidator for GitHub |
CInvisionCommunityOAuthValidator | OAuth validator for Invision Community (selfhosted) |
CIOAuthProviders | Contains IOAuthValidators |
CIOAuthValidator | Validates OAuth responses for a given Provider |
CKeycloakOAuthValidator | OAuth validator for Keycloak |
COAuthProviders | |
COAuthTokenRequest | Generic OAuth token request |
CTGForumsOAuthValidator | IOAuthValidator for /tg/ forums |
CAuthenticationContext | |
CAuthenticationContextClaimsTransformation | A IClaimsTransformation that maps Claims using an IAuthenticationContext |
CAuthenticationContextFactory | |
CAuthorizationContextHubFilter | An IHubFilter that denies method calls and connections if the IAuthenticationContext is not valid for an authorized user |
CCryptographySuite | |
CIAuthenticationContext | For creating and accessing authentication contexts |
CICryptographySuite | Contains various cryptographic functions |
CIdentityCache | |
CIdentityCacheObject | For keeping a specific ISystemIdentity alive for a period of time |
CIIdentityCache | For caching ISystemIdentitys |
CIPermissionsUpdateNotifyee | Receives notifications about permissions updates |
CISessionInvalidationTracker | Handles invalidating user sessions |
CISystemIdentity | Represents a user on the current global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform |
CISystemIdentityFactory | Factory for ISystemIdentitys |
CITokenFactory | For creating TokenResponses |
CITokenValidator | Handles TokenValidatedContexts |
CPosixSystemIdentity | ISystemIdentity for POSIX systems |
CPosixSystemIdentityFactory | ISystemIdentityFactory for posix systems |
CSessionInvalidationTracker | |
CTgsAuthorizeAttribute | Helper for using the AuthorizeAttribute with the Api.Rights system |
CTgsGraphQLAuthorizeAttribute | Helper for using the AuthorizeAttribute with the Api.Rights system |
CTgsRestAuthorizeAttribute | Inherits the roles of TgsAuthorizeAttributes for REST endpoints |
CTokenFactory | |
CWindowsSystemIdentity | ISystemIdentity for windows systems |
CWindowsSystemIdentityFactory | ISystemIdentityFactory for windows systems. Uses long running tasks due to potential networked domains |
►NService | |
►NWix | |
►NExtensions | |
CInstallationExtensions | Extension methods for the .msi installer |
CNativeMethods | Native methods used by the code |
CServerService | Represents a IWatchdog as a ServiceBase |
CServiceLifetime | Represents the lifetime of the service |
►NSetup | |
CIPostSetupServices | Set of objects needed to configure an Core.Application |
CPostSetupServices | |
CSetupApplication | DI root for configuring a SetupWizard |
CSetupWizard | |
►NSwarm | |
CISwarmOperations | Swarm service operations for the Controllers.SwarmController |
CISwarmService | Used for swarm operations. Functions may be no-op based on configuration |
CISwarmServiceController | Start and stop controllers for a swarm service |
CISwarmUpdateAborter | Allows aborting a swarm distributed update operation |
CSwarmConstants | Constants used by the swarm system |
CSwarmRegistrationRequest | A request to register with a swarm controller |
CSwarmRegistrationResponse | Response for a SwarmRegistrationRequest |
CSwarmServersUpdateRequest | A request to update a nodes list of SwarmServers |
CSwarmService | Helps keep servers connected to the same database in sync by coordinating updates |
CSwarmUpdateOperation | Represents the state of a distributed swarm update |
CSwarmUpdateRequest | A request to update the swarm's TGS version |
►NSystem | |
CAssemblyInformationProvider | |
CDotnetDumpService | |
CDotnetHelper | Helper methods for working with the dotnet executable |
CIAssemblyInformationProvider | For retrieving the Assembly's location |
CIDotnetDumpService | Service for managing the dotnet-dump installation |
CINetworkPromptReaper | On Windows, DreamDaemon will show an unskippable prompt when using /world/proc/OpenPort(). This looks out for those prompts and immediately clicks "Yes" if the owning process has registered for it |
CIPlatformIdentifier | For identifying the current platform |
CIProcess | Abstraction over a global::System.Diagnostics.Process |
CIProcessBase | Represents process lifetime |
CIProcessExecutor | For launching IProcess' |
CIProcessFeatures | Abstraction for suspending and resuming processes |
CNativeMethods | Native methods used by the code |
CPlatformIdentifier | |
CPosixNetworkPromptReaper | |
CPosixProcessFeatures | |
CPosixSignalHandler | Handles POSIX signals |
CProcess | |
CProcessExecutor | |
CProgramShutdownTokenSource | Contains a CancellationToken that triggers when the operating system requests the program shuts down |
CSystemDManager | Implements the SystemD notify service protocol |
CWindowsFirewallHelper | Helper class for interacting with the Windows Firewall |
CWindowsNetworkPromptReaper | |
CWindowsProcessFeatures | |
►NTransfer | |
CFileDownloadProvider | Represents a file on disk to be downloaded |
CFileTransferService | Implementation of the file transfer service |
CFileUploadProvider | |
CIFileTransferStreamHandler | Reads and writes to Streams associated with FileTicketResponses |
CIFileTransferTicketProvider | Service for temporarily storing files to be downloaded or uploaded |
CIFileUploadTicket | A FileTicketResponse that waits for a pending upload |
►NUtils | |
►NGitHub | |
CGitHubClientFactory | |
CGitHubService | Service for interacting with the GitHub API. Authenticated or otherwise |
CGitHubServiceFactory | |
CIAuthenticatedGitHubService | IGitHubService that exposes functions that require authentication |
CIGitHubClientFactory | For creating IGitHubClients |
CIGitHubService | Service for interacting with the GitHub API |
CIGitHubServiceFactory | Factory for IGitHubServices |
CRepositoryIdentifier | Identifies a repository either by its RepositoryId or Owner and Name |
►NGitLab | |
►NGraphQL | |
CGraphQLGitLabClient | |
CGraphQLGitLabClientFactory | Factory for creating IGraphQLGitLabClients |
CIGraphQLGitLabClient | Wrapper for using a GitLab IGraphQLClient |
►NSignalR | |
CComprehensiveHubContext | An implementation of IHubContext<THub> with User connection ID mapping |
CConnectionMappingHub | Base class for Hub<T>s that want to map their connection IDs to Models.PermissionSets |
CIConnectionMappedHubContext | A IHubContext<THub> that maps Users to their connection IDs |
CIHubConnectionMapper | Handles mapping connection IDs to Users for a given THub |
CAbstractHttpClientFactory | |
CApiHeadersProvider | |
CAsyncDelayer | |
CDisposeInvoker | Runs a given disposeAction on Dispose |
►CFifoSemaphore | A first-in first-out async semaphore |
CFifoSemaphoreTicket | class to represent a ticket in the ticketQueue and whether or not it is Abandoned |
CIApiHeadersProvider | Provides ApiHeaders |
CIAsyncDelayer | For waiting asynchronously |
CIPortAllocator | Gets unassigned ports for use by TGS |
COpenApiEnumVarNamesExtension | Implements the "x-enum-varnames" OpenAPI 3.0 extension |
CPortAllocator | |
CReferenceCounter | Class used for counting references with ReferenceCountingContainer<TWrapped, TReference> |
CReferenceCountingContainer | Wrapper for managing some TWrapped |
CSemaphoreSlimContext | Async lock context helper |
CSerilogContextHelper | Helpers for manipulating the Serilog.Context.LogContext |
CSwaggerConfiguration | Implements various filters for Swashbuckle |
►NWatchdog | |
CBootstrapSettings | Settings for the bootstrapper feature |
CISignalChecker | For relaying signals received to the host process |
CIWatchdog | The watchdog for a Host |
CIWatchdogFactory | Factory for creating IWatchdogs |
CNoopSignalChecker | No-op ISignalChecker |
CWatchdog | |
CWatchdogFactory | |
CIServer | Represents the host |
CIServerFactory | For creating IServers |
CProgram | Entrypoint for the Process |
CServer | |
CServerFactory | Implementation of IServerFactory |
►NShared | |
CVersionConverter | JsonConverter and IYamlTypeConverter for serializing global::System.Versions in semver format |
CAttribute | |
CAuthorityResponse | |
CAuthorizeAttribute | |
CBackgroundService | |
CController | |
CDbContext | |
CDelegatingHandler | |
CException | |
CFileResult | |
CFileResultExecutorBase | |
CHub | |
CIActionResultExecutor | |
CIAsyncDisposable | |
CIAsyncEnumerable | |
CIClaimsTransformation | |
CIDesignTimeDbContextFactory | |
CIDisposable | |
CIDocumentFilter | |
CIEquatable | |
CIErrorFilter | |
CIHostedService | |
CIHubContext | |
CIHubFilter | |
CIOpenApiExtension | |
CIOperationFilter | |
CIQueryable | |
CIRequestBodyFilter | |
CIResponder | |
CIRetryPolicy | |
CISchemaFilter | |
CIYamlTypeConverter | |
CJsonConverter | |
CMigration | |
CModelSnapshot | |
CScalarSerializer | |
CScalarType | |
CServiceBase | |
CStream | |
CTypeInterceptor |